Larry Kummer, Editor of Fabius Maximus caught an example of Dalrock’s Law of Feminism that I had missed.
Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: “Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.” {Example here.} But this is taking it to a mad extreme. What lays this responsibility on men to protect women from the consequences of their actions? Do they at least get cab fare at Uber rates for this service?
“Taking a drunk girl home, not to have sex with her but to make sure she gets there safely, is not the difference between a boy and a man; it is the difference between the perpetrator of a violent crime and an averagely decent, law-abiding human being.”
No, it is the difference between a criminal and a saint. Few people, men or women, go to such lengths to help strangers. Especially as this involves the risk of a sexual assault charge from the drunk, perhaps crazy or criminal, woman (such false accusations are common) – whose home he has entered while she was drunk.
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