And by good ol’ boys of the patriarchy, I of course mean the radical leftists of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Another article from the NY Post (H/T Professor Hale) tells us that the OWS crowd responded to a man allegedly raping a woman in her tent with overwhelming use of shaming language, and a good strong light shining to boot:
“Pervert! Pervert! Get the f–k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.
“They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.
She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.
“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”
The alleged rapist may well have suffered hurt feelings along with temporary night blindness. All without due process! I can only imagine if there had been a short man present with wide hips and a mask/helmet obscuring his face. It could have gotten ugly.
Denying reality gets expensive when there aren’t any adults in the room to protect you from the consequences of your own stupidity. Say what you will about the mother and wife from Florida, but she appears to have sensed the risk inherent in being a woman alone in a camp of vagrants and leftists with a pathological fear of using force against criminals.
On the bright side, at least the women in the Occupy Wall Street camp aren’t suffering from the traumatic experience of receiving victim blaming advice on strategies they can employ to make themselves less vulnerable to rape.
Blogger Derek Hunter reported several weeks ago on the security pamphlet he found being circulated in the Occupy Baltimore camp. According to him, the hard copy pamphlet stated that the preference was to keep the police out of such matters:
Though we do not encourage the involvement of the police in our community, the survivor has every right, and the support of Occupy Baltimore, to report the abuse to the appropriate law enforcement.
I checked the Occupy Baltimore website, and they have a posting up today titled Sexual Offense Policy which addresses the same issue. This public version however is more open to involving the police:
Instances of sexual abuse and assault will be handled according to the expressed desires of the victim. The Security and Medical teams are equipped with a list of resources, including contact information for the police, hospitals, sexual assault hotlines, and women’s shelters. In these instances, #occupybaltimore welcomes the involvement of the Baltimore City Police and encourages victims to report crimes. We also recognize that the U.S. Justice System is flawed, especially when it comes to cases of sexual assault. If for any reason the victim feels uncomfortable with police involvement, their wishes will be respected.
Fortunately the members of the Occupy Baltimore camp can now rest easy. Help is just a call away. If you find yourself being assaulted, all you have to do is call out the magic word:
Victims can alert the Security Team using the all-purpose call, “Round-up!” to ensure immediate physical protection and subsequent enforcement of our policy.
Update: A commenter identifying himself as Stephen Tish has asserted the following regarding the hard copy memo Derek Hunter shared:
The “security memo” was never an actual proposal put forward by Occupy Baltimore. It was an individual’s proposal for policy that never got accepted by Occupy Baltimore.
I did some more searching on the Occupy Baltimore website, and found a discussion of what looks to be the same memo (don’t worry Occupy Baltimore webmaster, if the page is somehow lost I’ve made a backup copy):
The smear campaign on Breitbart’s website is a gross example of outright media misinformation. I post below, in full, the draft statement on sexual assault circulated by our security team for consideration by the General Assembly:
I haven’t checked it word for word, but the quote I referenced appears to be the same. Someone with the username admin identifying himself as Dan from the media team responded, including the statement:
As far as I know, there have been no reports of rape at OB. Our awesome security team drafted this with the idea that anything can happen, and wanted to throw as much support towards survivors of violence as possible.
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