Key to the process of selling divorce is convincing women that their romantic prospects don’t really decline with age. We could easily cut the divorce rate in half if the reality opposing this ubiquitous myth was understood. However, outside the manosphere few are aware of the truth of women’s rapidly declining romantic prospects with age, and the media is eagerly selling a destructive fantasy to women.
The New York Post has a piece out titled Randy grands take over online realm – number of seniors playing the field more than doubles which feeds the popular misconception. While the AARP found that older men’s romantic prospects were far better than than those of older women, the NY Post gushes about elderly women as the jewel of the dating scene. They quote 68 year old Liz Defore, whom they describe as bragging about her “online dating frenzy”:
I have hundreds of men trying to hang out with me
Then they pile it on even thicker, giving a sense that Defore is experiencing an abundance of attractive offers and that she (and not older men) is in a position to be choosy:
The Southern California native joined a slew of dating sites last year after breaking up with her 48-year-old boy toy. Now she basks in male attention as more than 600 men have come running after her self-described girlish looks and youthful mind. Meanwhile, she happily scours profiles, finding herself hot metrosexuals who slather on moisturizer, manicure their fingernails and ball out at rock concerts.
“My man can’t act like a fart! I’d rather stick pins in my eyes,” says Defore.
After a brief note that STD rates among seniors have doubled, the Post returns to gushing about the wealth of dating prospects on offer to older women. We meet another 68 year old woman living up the single life:
“I went out on a date at least once a week. You know there are things that are fun in life, and that was fun for me!” gushes 68-year-old Judy Tatman of her escapades following her husband’s death.
If you read closely the spin of these two women’s dating experience becomes obvious. In one paragraph they are talking up Ms. Tatman’s abundant suitors:
Her online studs varied in shape, size, color and age. Some men as young as their thirties happily went after her. “They were younger than my son! But I’m a pretty chick,” she said.
Yet in the same piece they describe the men sending her pictures as “Shirtless, weathered men”. That her prospects as an older woman are terrible is spun as proof that older men are pathetic and desperate:
And I’m thinking, is this supposed to make me hot or something?
Despite all the abundance of choices Ms. Tatman is supposed to have experienced, we learn at the end of the article that during the course of a year she only found three men attractive enough to have sex with. Ms. Defore, who was introduced as having hundreds of men after her and framed as in a position to be choosy, hasn’t been contacted by any men she didn’t find repulsive:
Ew, yuck! They look too old. Or they don’t have teeth. They’re yahoos with baseball caps!
See Also: Dalrock’s Law
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