Gregoire vs Valenti

Rollo commented on the similarities between Sheila Gregoire and Jessica Valenti, founder of Feministing.

Let’s play the one degree of feminist separation:

“But…I’m not a feminist. I’m a Strong Independent Christian Woman®”

I touched on this in the original post, but it is worth showing a few bits side by side. The similarity between Gregoire’s funeral sandwich rant in Faith Today and Valenti’s Christmas rant at The Guardian is uncanny:

Valenti on feminist resentment: (actual title) No, I will NOT wrap all the presents. Why are women still responsible for the holiday joy?

Gregoire on feminist resentment:  (paraphrase) No, I will NOT make all the sandwiches. Why are women still responsible for feeding mourners?


Valenti on gendered expectations:

We all know that women do the majority of domestic work like child care, housework and cooking. But the holidays bring on a whole new set of gendered expectations…

Gregoire on gendered expectations:

…I must have missed the Sunday School lesson when they taught girls how to make funeral sandwiches…


Valenti on feminist guilt:

But we know that, if a present doesn’t get somewhere on time (if at all), if the cookies for the school’s holiday bake-off are store-bought, or your family holiday cards arrive just shy of February, it’s not men who get looked at askance.

Gregoire on feminist guilt:

I’m talking about hating guilt.

And when someone I don’t know from our church passes away, I invariably receive that guilt-inducing phone call: Can you make sandwiches for the funeral?


Valenti on society needing to recognize feminist progress:

After decades of feminist progress, women are still considered primarily responsible for an entire family’s holiday joy.

Gregoire on the church needing to recognize feminist progress:

Women have become busier, but church life hasn’t adapted to this new reality.


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