Have the birthers cornered Obama?

Vox Day’s most recent post The birth certificate is a forgery asserts that part of the recently released birth certificate for President Obama was entered after the page was scanned:

Karl Denninger declares that Mr. Farah was right again. The birth certificate released by the White House is a forgery.

The site he links to shows that the word “Male” doesn’t have the same curve as the word “Sex” immediately above it.  This would seem to be impossible unless Male was added after the document was scanned:

Have the birthers cornered Obama?

In addition, WND has a column showing that the number assigned to the President’s birth certificate doesn’t fit the process which was used by the state at the time, and a youtube video which claims that parts of the recently released long form birth certificate have font characteristics which a typewriter couldn’t have created:

I don’t have any expertise in this area, but all of these at least seem compelling to my untrained eye.  As I recall, Dan Rather was stung by forged documents containing similar anomalies.

Could this be why the president was willing to have Lt. Col. Lakin go to Leavenworth instead of simply releasing a document he first claimed wasn’t available, and later released due to mounting public pressure?

Edit:  Josh suggested that the “M” in “Male” was higher than the other characters, which caused the word to look straight once the page was curved.  Looking at the PDF file under magnification I think he has a good point here.  I drew a line under the entire name of the hospital using the GIMP straight line feature:

Have the birthers cornered Obama?If I blow that image up the M does look higher:

Have the birthers cornered Obama?


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