He knelt like a true gentleman.

Pulpit & Pen writes in Beth Moore Has Man Get on His Knees, Apologize on Behalf of All Men (emphasis mine):

Moore started her career as a teacher for women, but now preaches to both genders. Evangelical leaders like John Piper have encouraged men to listen to her violations of 1 Timothy 2:12. Not deterred by Scriptural admonitions against women teaching doctrine or preaching to men, Moore has gradually become a chief proponent of evangelical feminism.

Note that Pulpit & Pen has (probably unknowingly) accepted Piper and Grudem’s innovation even while criticizing Piper.  Piper and Grudem were so successful in twisting 1 Tim 2:12 that no one remembers a time before their innovation was adopted.  I would encourage the Pulpit & Pen authors to revisit what Piper and Grudem have done here.  Even though their novel reading of 1 Tim 2:12 is all but universally accepted today, I’ve yet to encounter someone who accepted the twisted logic they used to arrive at their feminist conclusion.  In a nutshell, if you want to say the Apostle Paul only restricted women from preaching to men, you have to determine as Piper, Grudem, and Moo did that when Paul writes in 1 Tim 2:14 (ESV):

14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

that Paul was not saying that women are more easily deceived, as Christians believed until second wave feminism.  Instead, you have to decide that Paul was merely repeating what he wrote in verse 13, that men were created before women:

First Timothy 2:14 says, “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” Paul gives this as one of the reasons why he does not permit women “to teach or have authority over a man.” Historically this has usually been taken to mean that women are more gullible or deceivable than men and therefore less fit for the doctrinal oversight of the church. This may be true (see question 29). However, we are attracted to another understanding of Paul’s argument. We think that Satan’s main target was not Eve’s peculiar gullibility (if she had one), but rather Adam’s headship as the one ordained by God to be responsible for the life of the garden…

If this is the proper understanding, then what Paul meant in 1 Timothy 2:14 was this:  “Adam was not deceived (that is, Adam was not approached by the deceiver and did not carry on direct dealings with the deceiver), but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor (that is, she was the one who took up dealings with the deceiver and was led through her direct interaction with him into deception and transgression).”

This is nonsense, but it is absolutely required if you are going to claim that 1 Tim 2:12 permits women to preach to women.  Otherwise, as Dr. Moo explains women preaching to women is a prescription for disaster:

But a statement about the nature of women per se would move the discussion away from this central issue [women having authority over men], and it would have a serious and strange implication. After all, does Paul care only that the women not teach men false doctrines? Does he not care that they not teach them to other women?

Getting back to Pulpit & Pen’s main point in the article:

Beth Moore is fully “woke” and fully feminist, and to prove it, she had a man literally get on his knees before a crowd of women and apologize for the male gender.

He knelt like a true gentleman.

The idea that Kevin Jones – who Moore acknowledges is a “gentleman” – should apologize for those guilty of abuse, is asinine. Kevin Jones did nothing wrong, supposedly, and he is not imputed with the sin of abusers by virtue of his genitalia.

Beth Moore is a dangerous woman whose influence far surpasses her capability as a Bible teacher. She is ignorant and unlearned, and has become a useful idiot for the political Left.

Note how naturally chivalry complements feminism here.  Far from being the “antidote” for feminism, chivalry is the foundation for feminism.  Men kneeling and pleading to women is central to the imagery of courtly love, so as a good gentleman it isn’t at all surprising that Kevin Jones was eager to act out his role in Beth Moore’s feminist skit.

HT purge187


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