He was for it before he was against it.

Before the editors of National Review discovered that women as warriors was against natural law, National Review Senior Editor Jonah Goldberg* was delighted with the message of feminist empowerment that it sends.  Just four months ago Goldberg was enthralled by the girlpower message of his real life Wonder Women “passing” Army Ranger training (emphasis mine):

Around the time little Laura’s school was cracking down on Wonder Woman lunchboxes, two women, Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver, passed the Army Ranger training course for the first time. The news was hailed across the country as a huge step forward for women.

Are these women role models or not? Are they heroes? Or should they be condemned for their willingness to use violence when necessary? Maybe Laura should get a Griest and Haver lunchbox and find out.

*In my original version of the post I incorrectly attributed the Wonder Woman article to Senior Editor Rich Lowry. Goldberg wrote the Wonder Woman article.  Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review, and Goldberg is a senior editor.


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