He wipes his feet and eats what he is served.

Instapundit linked to a post by Dr. Helen titled How Have Men been Affected by Feminism?

The stories ranged from an immigrant from India who felt that “feminism was a cultural force that had the effect of dehumanizing me in a manner far more severe than the experience of racism”… to a man who was fired from his job due to baseless allegations. In-between, there are other accounts of men who did not have children because they were afraid of having them taken away after seeing this happen to so many others, men whose fathers were abused by their wives without intervention, and men who no longer wanted relationships with women because of the psychological (and sometimes physical) pain they have caused, all without concern or empathy.

Old_School_Conservative53 wanted Instapundit readers to know that he hasn’t been impacted by feminism at all:

I haven’t been affected at all. I was raised to treat ladies with respect and courtesy, to keep my hands to myself unless openly invited, and not to shit where I eat. For the last 18 years of my career I supervised 8 women directly and never had one problem with them. In fact when I retired they embarrassed the heck out of me with the way they hugged and cried.

His message is that if you are a good boy like him feminists will be nice to you.  All of those other men must have had it coming.  The men who lost their jobs due to baseless allegations nevertheless deserved to be fired.  Likewise the fathers Dr. Helen referenced deserved to be kicked out of their kids’ lives, and their sons deserved to grow up without a father.

But even more sickening than his inability to feel empathy for other men is the subtext of pleading for praise from mommy.  See, I’m not like those other men!  Aren’t I a good boy mommy?


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