Headlines vs Reality

Reality:  More young men and women are now living with their parents.

This first item I saw the other day while looking for data on the elusive Peter Pan Manboy.  Back in August of 2013 a Pew Research Center study found that 36% of Millennials still live with their parents:  A Rising Share of Young Adults Live in Their Parents’ Home.  While most Millennial men and women live on their own, young people of both sexes are more likely to live at home now than in the past.  Men are a bit more likely to live with their parents (40%) than women (32%).  Note that these figures count men and women living in college dorms as living with their parents.


Marketwatch picked up the study with the headline: Women leave nest, men stay with parents.

Gen-Y men seem less able or willing to cut the apron strings

Neither the headline nor the statement quoted above is an accurate description of the data.  Most Millennials of both sexes leave home, and the gap between men and women is not new. In fact, the current 8 point gap is smaller than the 11 point gap in 1968.

Reality:  Recent spike in heroin use and deaths.

In March of this year the CDC released Data Brief 190: Drug-poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin: United States, 2000–2013.  Figure 2 shows that heroin deaths increased for both men and women between 2010 and 2013, with nearly four times as many deaths of men than women:

Headlines vs Reality

Figure 4 shows that death rates have increased for all races.

Headlines vs RealityHowever, death rates for 18-44 year old whites have increased so much that they now have the highest rate of death due to heroin:

In 2000, the highest rate for drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin was among non-Hispanic black persons aged 45–64 (2.0 per 100,000) (Figure 4). In contrast, in 2013, the rate was highest among non-Hispanic white persons aged 18–44 (7.0 per 100,000).

Figure 3 shows the breakdown of deaths by age, although it would have been more helpful if they had split out the middle age bracket into two ten year groups:

Headlines vs Reality

On July 7th 2015 the CDC followed up with a Vitalsigns article titled Today’s Heroin Epidemic, including the infographic:
Headlines vs Reality

Note from the infographic that despite the fact that whites now use (and die from) heroin at greater rates than other races, heroin use is still skewed strongly to people with lower socioeconomic status.  Those with low incomes as well as those on Medicaid or with no health insurance have much higher rates of heroin use than those with higher incomes and private insurance.


The Boston Globe picked up the Vitalsigns article, and their headline reads:  Heroin use spikes among women, higher-income groups

Study finds new faces of addiction

Women, people age 18 to 25, and those with higher incomes and private insurance have been increasingly falling victim to the drug.

Dr. Sarah E. Wakeman, a specialist in substance abuse treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, said the report reflects her experience in treating addicts. “It highlights the fact that this has become an equal-opportunity disease,” she said. “Basically, everyone I see is white, they’re equally male and female, they’re younger and affluent — a very different demographic.”


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