Her parents must be proud.

I saw this by way of Drudge:  U Of C Students Launch ‘Hookups’ Website

They interviewed some clueless beta guys, who all were of the expectation that this would mean more sex for them.  But the female students were the ones which really stood out to me:

Freshman Lynda Lopez logged on but didn’t like what she saw.

“I was like, ‘This is not for me.’ I could do a lot better,” said Lopez.

She likes the idea of slutting around, but feels she can do a better job of it without the website.  I’m sure she can.  Two other female students had similar reactions.

There is much handwringing in the article that U of C students are “repressed”.

Clindaniel said the University of Chicago campus has been socially repressed for a long time.

Based on the responses from the coeds, I would say his lack of action isn’t due to the women on campus lacking sufficient sluttyness.  If someone reading this knows him, please share it with him.  Hopefully this will ease his concerns on the matter.


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