Courtesy of Instapundit, Jim Treacher explains that Some Critics Like Captain Marvel, and Some Critics Hate Women:
I mean, did these morons see the same Captain Marvel I saw? (No, I haven’t seen it yet, and that’s hardly the point.) This is a scary time for women, and they need this movie right now. Stop politicizing this important event in feminist history, and start praising women for having the courage to play flying people in uncomfortable-looking leatherette jumpsuits with lasers coming out of their hands.
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I don’t plan to see Captain Marvel on opening weekend, because Marvel Studios and this movie’s target audience don’t need me stinking up the place with my toxic masculinity and disposable income. I am not welcome, and that’s the way it should be.
Ace of Spades is being even more respectful:
I am calling for all men to avoid seeing Captain Marvel, at least for the first four weeks of its theatrical distribution, to permit the legions of the ‘Carol Corps’ fans to see the film in a positive, Sacred Feminine, female-only space.”
But you really can’t be too careful with this kind of thing, as Instapundit commenter They Call Me Mister reminds us:
I’m not sure that’s long enough. There are four billion women on this planet and every single one of them deserves to see this POS (“perfectly ossum superheroine”) before any man does.
Given the difficulties of getting movies to females of such isolated populations as lost tribes of the Amazon, or on Indian Ocean islands where they kill and eat intruders, we could be talking decades.
I’ll wait.
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