“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

Although there are some great movie reviewers out there who evaluate newly-released films from a red-pill, non-leftist, traditional-Western, masculine viewpoint, I feel it would be worthwhile to review older “classic” films through such a lens, especially given that many of us believe that men, movies, and messages were far less cucked in the past, and many more are looking for an antidote to the pretty, poisonous lies spewed by Hollywood today.

I’ll begin this series with one of my favorites: the hilarious 1940 “screwball” comedy, His Girl Friday.

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

Original movie poster. Note the tagline. Dropping red pills even in the ads.

Short Version of the Plot

The basic plot is this: over the course of twenty-four hours, big city newspaper editor Walter (Cary Grant), convinces Hildy (Rosalind Russell) — his paper’s former star reporter and also Walter’s ex-wife — to cover the story of convicted cop killer about to be executed in the morning. Complicating matters is the fact that Hildy, who has quit the newspaper business, is leaving town that day with her beta fiancée, Bruce (Ralph Bellamy), who is taking her far away to be a stay-at-home wife.

Meanwhile, it turns out the murderer, Earl (John Qualen), is really a sweet, forlorn fellow with a sad life, who only accidentally killed the policeman in a moment of panic thanks to unemployment, loneliness, and desperation; however, despite the plot ostensibly centering around him, Earl’s story has become a cheap political football for everyone to use to their own cynical advantage.

This movie is so red pill, it almost hurts, except the comedy is so good it makes swallowing it easier. The more you look, the more truths you see.

The Press is Nothing but Liars, Slanderers, Thieves, and Crooks

One of the major themes of the movie is that reporters are conniving trash and all have agendas that gratuitously shape everything they “report.” (Sound familiar, Journolisters?). Almost every scene has a reporter lying, backstabbing, or being a heartless jerk, all for the sake of their stories.

A great illustration is when Earl is finally discovered in the rolltop desk; you get individual close-ups of each reporter as he calls his office, and they each give wildly contradictory lie-filled accounts. Molly Malloy’s accusatory harangue of them could be applied to any reporter working today.

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

Molly Malloy: “They ain’t human!” Hildy: “I know, they’re newspapermen.”

Politicians Use the Law and People’s Very Lives Merely for Political Points

The mayor and the sheriff conspire to deny Earl his lawful reprieve, and thus kill him, all to score political points. The governor is only giving sad-sack Earl his reprieve to push his execution closer to election day. And when the sheriff realizes where Earl is, he gives orders to shoot; it is only the bystanders’ protests that make the sheriff arrest Earl instead.

Alpha Fux, Beta Bux, and Cads over Dads…

Walter’s an alpha cad, Bruce is a clear beta, and guess who gets the girl here?

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

Alpha Walter and Beta Bruce. Bet you can guess which is which.

…But Betas can Have Dignity

One truth buried a bit is that Bruce, despite being a beta, isn’t a total pushover. Although he wrongfully trusts too many people, he still eventually realizes and embraces harsh truth, even if it hurts. Bruce walks out on Hildy in a manly way, and, although he leaves the door open for her to come back, he’s resolute in saving his pride. Most betas today lack such a backbone; they merely slink off in denial or humiliation at being rejected, or worse, spazz out like a gamma.


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Career Women are Bad Wives

A woman obsessed with her career will never obsess over her man or her family. Hildy, despite her protestations, is infatuated with being a reporter and getting famous. She may have hidden behind a mask to nab Bruce’s proposal, but the mask slips. Thankfully for beta Bruce, he didn’t marry her or get divorce raped by her. Any woman “on the fast track” or is “career-oriented” is a bad, BAD idea.

Tough, Strong Women Existed Before the Feminazis Arrived, and Were Far Stronger than the Feminazis

Hildy, despite being bad wife material, is a tough, beautiful broad who has earned the respect of her male peers because she is a good reporter. She takes the guff they give her and gives it right back. She didn’t need affirmative action or #MeToo (though sleeping with Walter certainly didn’t hurt). She would eat the feminist snowflakes of today alive. (I like to imagine her walking into a Huffington Post editorial meeting and making all the feminists cry).

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

Hildy Johnson : she’d rip today’s women’s studies majors to shreds.

Divorce Still Happened Back in the Day

Social conservatives and red-pillers who hate divorce have to come to terms with the fact that divorce didn’t suddenly begin in the 1960s with Gloria Steinem’s urging. Career gals with options in the big city divorced. Country girls whose society forced them to stay married didn’t divorce.

Cowardice, Manipulation, and Scummy are No Bar to a Woman’s Panties

Walter is hilariously shown to be a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a conman, a coward, and in bed with criminals — and yet Hildy is madly in love with him. Sure, as many an anti-PUA will claim, it’s because he looks like Cary Grant, but that doesn’t solve it; objectively, Bruce is as good-looking as Walter. Behavior matters.

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

She’s saying this to Walter, and just shortly after she’s marrying him. If you can get a woman to hate you, you can get her to love you.

Young Hot Women are Attracted to Older, Established, Powerful Men

Hildy came to work for Walter fresh out of college — meaning she was twenty to twenty-two years of age — who is not only clearly older, but was the big chief editor of the paper. ‘Nuff said.

And, Most Importantly, The Final Scene is a Fountain of Redpill Truth

As the movie closes, shameless conman Walter tries to get rid of Hildy after she’s served her purpose, and even stiffed her with counterfeit money, but Hildy’s hamster takes all this only as proof that Walter loves her. In reality, if you watch Walter’s behavior, it’s hard to say he has any love for Hildy, only a desire to keep her working on the story. Yet despite that, Hildy is willing to do anything Walter demands, breaking down like an obedient schoolgirl.

It’s amazingly bizarre from a logical point of view — even Walter is taken aback by her reaction — but fits in quite well with female psychology: a caddish man who shamelessly manipulates and abuses a woman is catnip to her, and she will love him and apologize for him, no matter what he does.

“His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen

This is only halfway through the film, and Hildy’s already under Walter’s spell.

Bottom Line: See His Girl Friday, and Absorb its Red Pill Truths 

This truly hilarious movie is full of old-school truth buried underneath the intelligent comedy. Watch this film, enjoy it, and be filled with truths that, today, are in far too short a supply.

Read More:  Who Killed Adulthood In American Culture? 


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