Running themes in Pieter Bruegel’s works include the absurdity, wickedness and foolishness of humans, and the above painting entitled Netherlandish Proverbs is no exception. Painted in 1559, nearly 500 years later the work of art still represents the foolishness of our declining society as it eats, drinks, and acts merry even while the very foundations of Western nations wash out from under it like sand in the tides.
Take a look around the crumbling remains of the West. The population of nations has never been replaced as rapidly as it is being replaced now unless those being conquered lost a war. We indeed have lost a war, but it’s not a military war we lost. We lost a cultural war. It has been said a great nation can’t be conquered from without until it destroys itself from within. That’s exactly what happened to Europe and America.
Most people have no idea why the West is dying. Every major problem we have relates to one simple issue: traditional Europeans and Americans have become demographically non-viable.
The long and short of it is, there’s a magic number demographers use to demonstrate the viability of a culture or ethnic group. There must be an average minimum of 2.1 births per woman to sustain a culture. Traditional European and American women have fallen short of that reproductive mark for 40 years. The ongoing demographic conquest and resettlement of both continents is a direct result of this dereliction of traditional female duty brought on by feminism. The welfare state and child support slavery laws aimed at turning men into sperm donors and indentured servants have added insult to injury.
In many ways, feminism can be seen as the ultimate betrayal of the Western beta male and the ultimate display of female solipsism. It is the root cause of population decline in the West. This is likely why ancient wisdom from the Bible consistently warns men about female nature.
European and American men of yore built the most peaceful and prosperous societies on the planet and women thanked their posterity by not reproducing with them in sufficient numbers to keep the machinery of the perpetual motion, infinite growth economy running. Nor do they reproduce with them in sufficient numbers to even maintain the population. And the situation gets worse with each passing year. As a direct result of feminism, more white people are now dying than being born. For that reason research will be done in the coming year in search of an answer to this looming question: Have American women really become the worst in on the planet from both biological and subjective standpoints?
A Dying Population

The average age of a first-time mother is up from age 21 in 1970 to age 26 today
Within the past few weeks, Establishment media gleefully trumpeted:
In around 1/3 of U.S. states, more white people are now dying than being born — a major shift that is expected to continue and has significant implications for government policy. Seventeen states — home to 121 million people, or roughly 38% of the country’s population — had more deaths than births among non-Hispanic whites in 2014, up from just four states a decade earlier, according to research released Tuesday by the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy.
Just to emphasize: The number of states where more whites are now dying than being born is increasing rapidly, not decreasing.
The end result of feminism will be that two continents (and possibly a third with Australia) will be conquered—yes, conquered—demographically. It is over for the Evil White Male and he has only himself and his statistically sterile women to thank for it.
One only need travel around the USA to see that even parts of Kansas and Nebraska now resemble Mexico and Spanish is the lingua franca, not English. One can also glance at demographic trends that show Hispanic births will outnumber Anglo births sometime around 2040. That’s little more than a generation away, folks. The USA will be an appendage of Latin America in only a couple of generations and Europe will have cities and areas of many countries that are majority Muslim.
If you wonder why you are becoming a stranger in your own nation—this is what feminism hath wrought.
Every problem the West now faces boils down to the demographic implosion of traditional Western populations brought on by feminism and the extremely poor quality of its women from a reproductive and familial standpoint. No matter how much wailing and gnashing of the teeth feminists make, nature comes down to the heartless business of saving those heredities that work, and rejecting those that don’t. Once a population adopts feminism, heredities don’t work any longer.
By Design?

“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars.” -Network, 1976
Keeping the machinery of a perpetual growth, consumer economy is why immigration has become arguably necessary as traditional Western populations die off, and why Western leaders have opened the flood gates to refugees (an opportune moment for them to consolidate power by doing so, too, unscrupulous as they are.) The only question remaining is, is the demographic resettlement of Europe and America happening because of historical cycles of civilization or is it by design of a maniacal Establishment?
After all, it should be common knowledge among policy makers the population actually needs to be growing slightly in a Western economy in order to be stable. The effects of passing policies to slow population growth among certain ethnic groups must be known by demographers and politicians.
What’s more, the fewer traditional Europeans and Americans who are born have become too effette to carry on many of the necessary dirty jobs and blue collar tasks a functioning society requires due to decades of “special snowflake” indoctrination in the edumacation system.
It’s as if a scientific study was done on how to attack and debase the West, then politicians proceeded to do just that.
That said, effeminate Western men, who worship Hollyweird marionettes rather than themselves or traditional religions have some blame for not setting their foot down and saying “Enough is enough!” before this catastrophe became deeply embedded in the fabric of society.
Cliff’s Notes: The “monster” i.e. the infinite growth economy needs an ever increasing supply of warm bodies to keep it functioning. When white women don’t bear enough children to keep it running, and white people in general become too effette to do blue collar labor, leaders bring in other groups to keep the machinery of the economy moving.
Feminism was the hemlock that changed everything for the West.

Nothing lasts forever: All civilizations eventually decline, according to historians
History’s Cycles Echo
Another way of looking at this is through the lens of Spengler’s Decline of the West, in which he predicted the very demographic tsunami now hitting the West. Through this lens, feminism is only the manifestation of Spengler’s predictions by a gynocentric and pussy pedestalizing culture.
In Decline of the West, a sweeping, epic study of the cycles of 6 previous civilizations going back 5,000 years and the later Man and Technics, Spengler predicted – a century ago – all the tragedies currently befalling the West. Academics often quibble with his work, but no one can deny he foresaw the current decline with astonishing accuracy.
Here’s basically why the West is being conquered, condensed down for easy digestion.
Spengler saw each high culture and civilization in terms of four seasons. In the declining “Winter” phase of a society of a civilization is which we find ourselves, the center of a nation’s culture shifts from its rural roots to the cities. Out of the irreligious metropolis, as the intellect of the city sterilizes the religion and traditions of a culture, life becomes a series of problems to be analyzed rather than a thing to be lived. Western man’s irreligious, rational, materialistic intellect has sterilized everything about his culture by analyzing it to death – including himself as fertility has declined. An epidemic of snarky, nihilistic manchildren helps illustrate this point.
Feminism is, of course, a representation of the intellect sterilizing the simpler, more intuitive, and more fulfilling ways of life. The other tenets of liberalism also represent the “intellectual” destroying the foundations of the culture.
City intellectuals arrogantly criticize and shame the rural, intuitive ways of life of the masses of people. Religion and traditions are mocked, art itself becomes repetition of past great works, and children are weighed in terms of economic pros and cons rather than a necessity for the promulgation of not only the economy but the ethnic group itself.
The population is then ripe for conquest. Which is happening before our very eyes. As Spengler knew, we can face our fate with cowardly optimism or brave pessimism.
Things only get worse from here as friction grows between traditional Europeans and Americans who have very different ways of life from those who will soon make up the majority of their nations. Democracy will end in the Western world as white people no longer have power at the very ballot boxes they created within a generation or two.
Just remember—feminism (and by extension, weakling males) was at the root of it all when the time comes. When will men stop being White Knights and call a spade a spade, then take away the Pussy Pass women have enjoyed far too long?
Read More: Demographic Ruin Is Upon Us
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