Every four years, the World’s greatest athletes in Nordic sports gather to compete in the Winter Olympic Games. The games are an opportunity for all nations to put aside their differences for a few weeks and enjoy watching world class athletes compete for the gold. The 2014 Winter Olympic Games being held in Sochi, Russia commenced two weeks ago.
This year, however, instead of the focus being on the masculine virtues of excellence and competition, an unsuspecting American television audience endured a full bore ad nauseam promotion of homosexuals and their so called values. Instead of being lifted up by the aspirational ideals of competition and athletic greatness, American families tuning in were pushed down into the cultural Marxist muck of ceaseless homosexual whining and debasement. This was by intent.
The background to this ongoing homosexual whine fest is that Russia is led by a man named Vladimir Putin. By all accounts, he is a devout Orthodox Christian. Among his accomplishments during his tenure as leader of Russia, has been the reinstitution of the Russian Orthodox Church as the moral center of the Russian nation. He has been the de facto leader of Russia since 1999. He is the alpha male of Russia.
In the Summer of 2013, the lower house of the Russian Federation (State Duma) voted 436-0 (with one abstention) and the upper house (Federation Council) voted 137-0 to pass a law which banned the promotion of homosexuality to minors. The Russian Orthodox Church enthusiastically endorsed the law and President Putin signed it making it the law of the land. To repeat, the combined vote in both houses of the Russian legislature was 573 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention. Apparently, Russians like their kids.
The new Russian law:
1. Proscribes fines for propaganda promoting homosexual sex to minors;
2. Bans homosexual rallies; and
3. Bans the distribution of homosexual propaganda to minors.
Federation Council Speaker, Valentina Matvienko, explained to Russia Today (RT) the reasoning behind the law by saying that homosexuals “…are ordinary members of society. As adults, they are entitled to decide how they want to live. But when it comes to minors (the ban on propaganda) is not someone’s whim, but a demand from society.”
The ensuing uproar over the new Russian law in the cultural marxist outlets of the Western media was immediate and predictably overwrought and hysterical. According to them, the Russian’s are not qualified to determine what laws are best for Russia. Instead, only homosexual activists and their cultural Marxist cheerleaders in the West are qualified to determine Russia’s laws. And the homosexual activists, unsurprisingly, were against leaving the Russian kiddies alone.
Of course, the open contempt that the cultural Marxists exhibit towards the will of the Russian people is not surprising. It is, in fact, their standard operating procedure. They exhibit the exact same contempt towards the American people whenever their will conflicts with whatever socially destructive and morally abhorrent policies of the moment the cultural Marxists wish to inflict upon the United States.
So what does this controversy about homosexuals and Russian children have to do with the Winter Olympic games at Sochi? In reality, nothing; but the homosexual activists in the West and their supporters decided to trash the 2014 Winter Games by linking the games to their opposition to the new law.
How have they tried to do this? They lobbied the White House and got the President to appoint no less than three homosexuals to the American Olympic delegation. The official putative task of these three was to represent the United States at the Sochi Winter Games, but the real agenda was to promote the cultural Marxist “value” of homosexuality, distort the purpose of the new law, and smear the Russians.
The three homosexuals chosen to carry out this task are Brian Boitano, Caitlin Cahow, and Billy Jean King.
Previously discrete regarding his sexual preferences, American Olympic figure skater Brian Boitano stunned the nation two days after he was selected to the delegation when he revealed that he was a homosexual. Americans in all fifty states were glued to their television screens to catch the latest on this shocking and important news.
Prior to Boitano’s earth shattering admission, no one in America suspected that it was even possible that a male figure skater might be a bit light on his blades.
However, being a great people, Americans soon recovered from this paradigm changing revelation. No doubt the nation was reassured when Boitano explained to NPR how he saw his job in Sochi: “Let the athletes focus on what they’re doing and the job at hand. And let athletes like me, Billie Jean and Caitlin stand up for them and represent the gay community.”
The second homosexual chosen to be on the Sorchi delegation was former Olympic women’s hockey player, Caitlin Cahow. As with Boitano, most Americans were flabbergasted when Cahow told a mesmerized nation that she was a lesbian. How could this be, Americans wondered, hockey is such a feminine sport? After digesting this puzzling conundrum, Americans listened as Cahow disingenuously told USA Today regarding the selections to the Sorchi delegation that, “It’s obviously a statement that’s being made, but I think it’s an incredibly respectful one”.
Left unexplained was the specific type of hallucinogen and proper dosage one would have to ingest to consider the statement being made as “incredibly respectful”.
The most prominent homosexual selected for the American delegation was former woman’s tennis player, Billy Jean King. Tennis, as anyone with an IQ north of eighty is aware, is not played on ice or snow. Perhaps this is why it is a sport at the Summer Olympics. It is not known if the White House was aware of this at the time of King’s selection.
Moreover, Mrs. King, at age seventy, is well past her athletic sell-by date. But of course, King’s former athletic skills have nothing to do with her being chosen to be on the Sochi delegation. Rather, that is due to the fact that she has been a high profile lesbian activist for decades.
King’s appointment to the Sorchi delegation was hailed as a “stroke of genius” by USA Today’s Christine Brennan. She crowed to her readers, “What better way to show the nation’s disgust for President Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay propaganda law?”
Helene Elliott of the LA Times was more graphic in her laudatory comments regarding appointment of Billie Jean King and the other homosexuals to the delegation. Elliott compared their selection to the hockey tactic of “… that quaint, queasy custom of rubbing stink gloves in another player’s face as an irritating tactic.” Why giving the Sochi Olympic host a “wonderfully timed, stinky glove” was intelligent diplomacy, good manners or even minimally sane was largely left unaddressed by Elliott.
But the homosexual activists and their cultural Marxist puppet masters perhaps should have thought twice before picking a globally televised fight with Mr. Putin. He is a tough resourceful man who does not fight to lose. He has proven time and again to have an unerring instinct for the weak spot of his opponents. This may reflect his years of judo training or his time in the KGB—perhaps both. Regardless, he also has an annoying habit to his enemies—winning.
After weeks of silence during which there were relentless media attacks on Putin, Russia, and the Sochi Games in the Western media, the Russian President when asked about homosexuals at the Sochi Games slyly commented that homosexuals “can feel safe and free here. But please leave our children in peace.”
If this ongoing political battle was a tennis match, any fair referee would have ended it right then calling out: “Game. Set. Match. Putin.” Even Billy Jean King might have respected that.
Read Next: America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation
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