How Long Will It Take For Everything To Be A “Trigger Warning”?

How Long Will It Take For Everything To Be A “Trigger Warning”?

How Long Will It Take For Everything To Be A “Trigger Warning”?

The above image has more to do with triggering than anything I can possibly explain. If you’re like me it’s hard to look at because it evokes an emotional response. A Marine burying his head in his friend’s shoulder sends chills up your spine when you think of the possibilities surrounding what he could have seen and what made him break down in such a way.

The Watering-Down of “Trigger Warning”

One of the most recent transgressions against the vein of human decency has come in the form of the bastardization of the phrase “trigger warning.” Originally, this phrase was primarily attributed to the actions or phrases that set off people who were unfortunately afflicted with PTSD (for you older folks: “shell shock”). In modern times, however, feminism has seen fit to retrofit anything and everything to be a “trigger.” The phrase has essentially lost all meaning and the feminists that use it have killed the legitimacy for those who truly suffer from the effects of waking up in a cold sweat regarding seeing absolutely unimaginable shit in live-or-die combat situations.

I come from a military family where the hardships are real. Taking another person’s life in combat can’t be easy and I don’t claim to understand how it feels. I can’t begin to identify with it on any level and frankly I hope I never do. It pisses me off that something associated with a life-or-death situation can be watered-down so much as to apply to anything now (just like how everything is “misogyny” in the feminist echo chamber).

The watered-down trigger warnings have even found its way into classrooms (no surprises there) and students are actively “warned” in certain universities that lecture slides may contain triggering material. Why have we allowed such a legitimate problem to be bastardized by those who see fit to re-define it as anything but a completely serious and sometimes fatal condition?

Everything Is A Trigger Now

Take one look at something like /r/creepypms over on Reddit. Seriously, take a look. I do it at least once a day just for giggles and it will absolutely illustrate my point. Notice how at least one post in the first 25 has the acronym “TW” in it? Yeah, that stands for “trigger warning.” Apparently non-PTSD folks can be “triggered” by reading words on a screen. How low do you have to sink in your life in order to buy into such a victim complex willingly? These are the kinds of people we would label perpetual victims and rightfully so.

The problem gets even worse over at /r/fatlogic. That subreddit details all of the “body-positivity” and “Healthy at Every Size” (HAES) campaigns and is generally just laughable from any perspective in medical science. I’m a big fan of Reddit since it provides a never-ending source of entertainment and amusement for me. Unfortunately, though, it continues to prove the points both of myself and any other red pill reader who has his shit together.

It Gets Worse

The media feeding into the “rape frenzy” and the utterly absurd diatribe of “rape culture” just makes things worse for us as a society. Everything is “rape” now just as everything contains a “trigger warning.” By using these phrases willy-nilly the idiots (that’s what they are—there’s no getting around it) dilute the true affliction of the actual victims. Hermann Goering said the following when he was interviewed during the Nuremberg Trials (source):

“It’s easy, really.  If you want to control people, all you have to do is make them believe they are under attack from someone or something.  Then you can do whatever you want.”

Women under attack from men? Check. Do whatever you want with no understanding of the consequences? Check. I’ve just described the effects of modern feminism in a nutshell.

The feminists focus on every instance and every micro-aggression and attempt to bend it to their cause in the guise of the “Wow, just wow” position. They’re perpetual victims and strive to be nothing but that. It ultimately undermines their position but they’re too stupid to realize that fact. Their feelings get in the way every single time and serve as a barrier to any logical discussion based on reality and facts.


Men, do you get “triggered” by seeing words on your screen related to anything that you hold dear? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Men are logical creatures by nature and we have to be in order to survive. We analyze the entire situation with facts and formulate our arguments based on rationality and the way the world truly works. If there was ever any doubt that you can have logical discussion with a frenzied woman, this should have completely shattered that pretty but ultimately useless illusion.

Read More: How “Trigger Warnings” Silence Dissent And Protect Fragile Egos


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