Popular music is crap. Most of the singers can’t sing and the music is dull and formulaic. But the lyrics of the songs make popular music really toxic to impressionable boys and young men. It is one of the reasons that so many men enter adulthood as betas. Here are some of the pieces of terrible advice perpetuated by pop songs.
Putting women on a pedestal
A lot of pop music paints women as beautiful, magically perfect creatures who merit more praise than the divinity. Bruno Mars is especially guilty of this in his sugary song “Just the Way You Are”:
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day
If you adopt Bruno’s approach, it will guarantee that you will be spend your entire life in the friendzone of one woman or another—if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, you will marry the woman and she will cheat on you. Women know they are unworthy of worship so when they run across a man who does, they will naturally despise him.
Fortunately, most men have enough common sense to avoid this error.
Being a doormat
Closely related to putting women on a pedestal is the idea that women must be loyal servants of these wonderful, mystical creatures who possess a vagina. Surprisingly, a lot of men get caught in this trap. My youngest brother spent a year of college catering to every whim of a cute blond. She gave him enough attention to keep him on a string so that he would provide chauffeur services.
There are many songs that perpetuate this idea but one of the most egregious examples is the Beatles “Any Time at All”:
Any time at all
All you’ve gotta do is call and I’ll be there.
If you need somebody to love, just look into my eyes,
I’ll be there to make you feel right.
If you’re feeling sorry and sad, I’d really sympathize.
Don’t you be sad, just call me to tonight.
Most of the early Beatles songs adopt the beta stance. This is because John and Paul were both giant betas—or gammas. John was completely subservient to his wife Yoko. On one occasion he taped tampons all over his body and walked out in public to humiliate himself to show Yoko his love. Paul married a one legged woman of dubious character with NO PRENUP even though he was a billionaire at the time. It is a warning to all of us that even if we are wildly successful in other areas of our lives, we might be betas when it comes to relationships.
Trying to hold on to relationships when the girl has checked out
While worshiping a girl is not common, almost all of us, at some point, make the mistake of trying to continue to pursue a girl even after she has lost interest. In some rare circumstances it is possible get the girl back, but most of the time the best course of action is to move on. After all, that is what dating is about—you are testing each other out for compatibility.
While rekindling a lost spark is the exception in the real world, it is the norm in pop music. There are tons of songs that are anthems about a loser male trying to get back into a failing relationship.
The 1980s Phil Collins song “One More Night” is typical of these sappy ballads. The song is about a man who has been cast aside by a woman and who is pleading for a second chance. In one cringe worthy lyric, the indecisive beta male is so weak that he can’t even muster the balls to call the girl:
I’ve been sitting here so long, wasting time, just sitting at the phone.
And I was wondering should I call you.
Then I thought: maybe you’re not alone.
Please give me one more night. Give me just one more night.
Oh, one more night, cuz I can’t wait forever. Please give me one more night.
Oh, just one more night.
The song even sounds painfully wimpy.
Songs about leftist social causes
One of the most effective aspects of pop music is in getting people to agree with a leftist social message. There are lots of men who are not fooled by the bad relationship advice of pop songs but who are suckered into adopting ideas that undermine the patriarchy and thereby weaken the whole foundation of society.
I put Macklemore’s gay marriage song above, but I won’t bother to quote it. You already know its message. Suffice to say, whenever popular music has a “social change” message, it is always in a liberal direction.
Songs about alphas
While the vast majority of popular music is aimed at turning you into a beta, there are some songs that are about alpha males. Not surprisingly, some of these songs are written by women who are just being honest about what they want.
One example is Taylor Swift’s Wildest Dreams—–a song about a woman who is having an affair with a man whom she knows is not committed to her. Of course she wants a long term relationship, but she’ll settle for a fling if the alpha promises to remember her.
He said, “Let’s get out of this town, drive out of the city away from the crowds.”
I thought heaven can’t help me now, nothing lasts forever but this is going to take me down.
He’s so tall and handsome as hell. He’s so bad but he does it so well.
I can see the end as it begins. My one condition is:
Say you’ll remember me, standing in a white dress staring at the sunset babe,
Red lips and rosy cheeks say you’ll see me again
Even if it is just in your wildest dreams.
This song is proof of the Chateau Heartiste maxim: “For most women, five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta.” Girls don’t want betas who tell them how beautiful and perfect they are. Girls want men who are masculine. As an aside, the video for this song evokes a more elegant time—–it is beautiful.
There are some older songs that also exhibit steer clear of the weak, cloying attitude of beta boys when it comes to girls. Take Elvis’ “A Little Less Conversation”:
A little less conversation, a little more action please.
All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me.
A little more bite and a little less bark.
A little less fight a little more spark.
Close your mouth and open your heart
And baby satisfy me.
I should mention that we shouldn’t take the lyrics literally. These are not pick up lines. Rather, they represent an alpha attitude.
As we get older and learn more about the world through direct experience, the insipid messages of pop music begin to lose their power over us. Thus, we may come to the conclusion that these beta-making messages are not powerful. But keep in mind that they wield a strong influence on the minds of boys who are probably listening to this stuff from the time they are ten years old.
If these boys don’t have a strong father or older brother to guide them, they will waste years learning things the hard way. And some of them may never find the red pill.
Read More: 5 Things Wrong With Modern Music
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