Summer is here and all over Europe, Russia, Australia and America. Beautiful girls at the peak of their their own summers of sexual attractiveness are packing tiny bikinis, cut-off denim shorts, sun cream and condoms and heading for a small island in the Mediterranean Sea called Ibiza.
Situated 80 kilometers away from Valencia in eastern Spain and the third smallest of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza attracts around two million visitors each season and has been one of the most popular holiday destinations on the planet for at least twenty-five years. The reason? Because outside of Las Vegas, Ibiza boasts the most off-the-hook party scene in the world. It is a scene with historical precedent: clubbing as we know it today was born here. In 1987 DJs Paul Oakenfold and Nicky Holloway heard early Chicago house mixed together with the likes of Chris Rea and Genesis at Amnesia. They took the concept back to London where it promptly exploded.
With huge venues like Space, Pacha, Ushuaia and Privilege (the world’s largest nightclub with a capacity of 10,000), fantastic sound systems, near constant sun, and top DJs ranging from EDM heroes Tiesto and Avicii to Loco Dice, Carl Cox and SvenVath, Eivissa (or ‘the white island’, so-called after the reserves of salt found there) remains an addictive draw. Music lovers, party-goers and the world’s sexiest women flock there. Each year the place attracts more and more American visitors and with the recent EDM explosion in the US this will only continue, particularly as US artists like Steve Aoki—who has signed up for an eighteen-week residency at Pacha with his ‘Aoki’s Playhouse’ party this year—continue to perform there. The season lasts into early October, so if you enjoy going out and meeting hot girls and you’re based in Europe (or planning to come over) then you should definitely plan a trip.
A Paradise On the Med
After all, on the surface, what’s not to like? Ibiza is without doubt a beautiful island. I have visited it more than ten times in the last decade and it remains one of the most enchanting places I have ever been. From the moment you step off the plane, smell the lush pine trees, grab a cool drink and survey the gorgeous coastline with its white sandy beaches, you will be hooked and you won’t want to leave. Ibiza Town, the capital, is a World Heritage Site and is also exceptionally attractive with its winding streets and magical port. But more importantly than any of that, Ibiza has the greatest concentration of hot, scantily dressed women ready to engage in all forms of debauchery that I have ever witnessed anywhere.
All That Glitters is Not Gold
As usual, though, when something looks too good to be true then it probably is. With so many alcoholically-lubricated, feral girls on the prowl, their glistening pudenda concealed only by the briefest of thongs, their flexible bodies thrusting in overt imitation of coitus to pounding techno beats, one might assume that sexual nirvana was a foregone conclusion. Not so. In Ibiza, the dedicated pussy hound has several significant obstacles to overcome, in particular the parties themselves, logistics, and AMOGs. Here I break down how to overcome each of these. These tips will also carry weight in any other similar high-energy club environment.
Be The Next Bright Shiny Thing
Let’s be real for a moment. Girls love sex, but they don’t have the same imperative to get laid on a given night that men do. When the average guy goes out to a club and sees that dime piece in the hot pants shaking her ass on the podium, he feels a real, urgent desire to have sex with her right there and then, and will often suffer a blow to his ego if he she rejects him. In contrast, the girl may not be opposed to the idea of getting laid that night but she doesn’t have to. After all, she is already being validated by the hundreds of thirsty dudes checking her out and trying to buy her drinks. She probably already has a fuck buddy, or a coterie of guys she can WhatsApp on her smartphone if she wants sex. So the urgency just isn’t there (if she’s at the peak of her sexual market value, anyway). As a consequence, most girls are magpies with short attention spans, interested only in the next bright shiny thing.
In Ibiza, this problem is compounded by the fact that, by definition, the girls you meet there love to party. It is extremely difficult for the average, non-celebrity guy to compete with the lasers and ice cannons of Amnesia, loud EDM, and some of the world’s most famous DJs. The average British, Spanish or Italian girl will have spent most of the year saving up and looking forward to her annual holiday, and believe me, Ibiza is expensive. She has probably just paid eighty Euros to get into the club to hear David Guetta and paid another twenty for a drink, unless some thirsty guy has bought it for her. The chances of her leaving early with you to fuck after you’ve spat a few lines of tight game are negligible. You could try pulling her into the restroom if that is your thing, but in most clubs these are staffed by attendants, and good luck if the ruthlessly efficient bouncers catch you.
So how do you overcome this? First, do everything you can to be the next bright shiny thing yourself. In practice this means you should look as good as you can, approach plentifully, and be as direct and dominant as possible.
The old game concept of peacocking (i.e. wearing outrageous clothes for effect) is now as quaintly old fashioned as MySpace and assuming fidelity from American girls. But in Ibiza there is something to be said for choosing bright, stylish clothes that make you stand out. You have to strike a balance between keeping cool (the average temperature in August is 80 F) and looking good. Make no mistake, Ibiza by night is not a casual, beachwear place. You are competing with very well-groomed guys from Italy and Spain who aren’t afraid to go the extra mile, so dress accordingly. It’s too hot for the jacket, shirt and pocket square look, but at least go for shirts and t-shirts with interesting details or patterns. For example, animal prints were very popular last year. I wore a pair of leopard print loafers to Space which got me a lot of attention and led to me pulling a very cute Swiss model.
It goes without saying, but make sure you’re in shape. A lot of the guys in Ibiza are jacked. While it’s not necessary to be Arnie to get some action, you should at least do as much as you can to cut fat and build upper body definition before you go. Your aim in every element of your presentation should be to make the biggest impact possible. If you wear your hair in a pompadour, make that thing huge. If you walk with a swagger, exaggerate it. Read my article on developing insane self love. The clubs in Ibiza are big, brash and loud and you need to be the same if you want girls to pay attention to you.
Once you hit the club, approach as many girls as you can and be very direct. This is no place for subtlety. Leave the subtleties in the short stories of Gogol at home. Go in, grab her, twirl her around and start dancing with her. A simple “Hey, I saw you dancing and I had to come over—you’re fucking hot” will suffice for an opener. Girls are creatures of sensation—you need to provide her with a sensation that equals or surpasses that of her surroundings: that is, a dose of supremely confident, high value male attention. Only then do you have a a chance of cutting through all the noise and having her register your existence at all, let alone consider sleeping with you.
In spite of the plethora of hot girls everywhere, logistics in Ibiza are among the worst I’ve experienced anywhere in the world. I’ve already covered the main reasons for this. Girls have paid a lot of money to get into the main clubs to see top DJs and they’re not leaving anytime soon. For this reason a lot of their nights will be booked up in advance: “I can’t meet you tonight. Tiga is playing Amnesia.” Add their cock-blocking friends and AMOGs into the mix and you have a pretty difficult scene to crack. It can be done, though—you just need to adopt the following strategy: open all the time and be ready to close all the time.
Don’t wait until you’re in Space, Carl Cox is spinning and she’s off her head. Instead, open her as she walks back from the grocery store to her hotel (Ibiza is great for daygame). Try to take her on an instant date then bring her back to your apartment for an hour before she goes out. If this isn’t possible, take her phone number, along with those of as many other girls as possible, and send out a mass text later, following up with whoever bites. While this advice holds good anywhere, in Ibiza it is particularly important as you have finite time (if you’re on vacation) and a lot of variables to overcome to make things happen.
Outside the clubs, the beaches and beach bars are great places to meet women. Spots like Bora Bora and the Tahiti & Tiare Beach Bar in Playa D’en Bossa are goldmines. You should also go to Salinas and check out Sa Trinxa and the Jockey Club, as well as newer upscale venues like Blue Marlin. Hit these places up in the afternoon and talk to as many girls as you can. Bring your smartphone to take numbers. If there is a glimmer of interest then escalate or get the digits. If not then quickly move on. One thing guys have on their side in Ibiza is abundance—the sheer number of girls there makes getting rejected meaningless. There’s always another chick to hit on.
Bear in mind that the optimal times for getting laid are either late afternoon (post-beach and pre-going out) or the very early morning after the club (6am – 8am). Plan accordingly. Ensure that you are staying somewhere easily accessible that you can take girls back to quickly, Preferably you should have your own room, rather than be sharing with a friend. Check out Airbnb for apartments or the holiday aggregator sites for cheap hotel deals.
Unless you book a car, you should aim to stay close to either Ibiza Town, Playa D’en Bossa or at San Antonio. The first two are near all the main parties and clubs. San Antonio is also a great party place with a lot of girls (and romantic views of the sunset for dates) but the strip there is a little downmarket and full of drunken Brits on the rampage. Worth avoiding unless you’re down on your luck and after a particularly seedy pump and dump.
Jet Apartments in Playa D’en Bossa is a good, cost-effective accommodation option. If you’re on a bigger budget then try the Ushuaia Beach Hotel, which has its own Vegas-style pool parties with fantastic international DJ line-ups. The point is, you need to be near the action so you can extract and escalate quickly. Remember, you have to be ready to pull the trigger at any time.
If you’re at one of the clubs and you meet a girl who seems interested then after about 3am you should do everything you can to hang in with her until the end of the night. You can’t go home early with her—sex happens very late in Ibiza.
You should also try to get invited to villa parties. These happen frequently and sometimes feature top DJs who are off-duty, but they’re private events and not advertised. Make sure your conversational skills are up to scratch and get talking to guys as well as girls. If you seem cool then the chances are you’ll get invited to a secret gathering somewhere up in the hills. Here the girls are much more relaxed and your social pre-selection means you’ll be screened much less.
Understand this: the sexual market place in Ibiza is highly competitive. You are surrounded by some of the world’s most beautiful women—fashion models, actresses and pop stars go every year—and they are surrounded by some of the world’s most thirsty men. That many of these men are also rich (there are plenty of Russian yacht-owners around) and good-looking with great physiques. This can mean that the newbie player might on occasions feel out of his depth. Keep two things in mind, though: first, female-male ratios in Ibiza are pretty good, and possibly even favor men. Second, a great many of the men there have very little game.
Last year I witnessed a short, out of shape Australian guy pull a hot Brazilian chick in front of a bunch of gawping Abercrombie wannabes at Bora Bora beach bar. I myself pulled a sexy French stripper in front of a disbelieving, musclebound crowd in Space. The bottom line is that game works, regardless of the environment and the competition. If you can project a fun, friendly vibe, talk for a long time and physically escalate then you are ahead of 95% of the crowd and you’ll blow other guys out of the water. Read ROK, read McQueen, read my stuff and you’ll be golden.
Bottom line is if you’re in Europe this summer then get yourself over to Ibiza. The season lasts until October so you have plenty of time. Check out the various party calenders available online to find out about club nights and book tickets in advance to save cash. You’ll have a blast, meet and sex some beautiful women, and learn a lot about game in high pressure environments at the same time.
Want to find out more about how to develop confidence and attract beautiful girls anywhere? Then check out my book here.
Read More: 6 Tips On How To Get Laid In Las Vegas
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