How to undermine your parents’ marriage for fun and drama.

Very often the whispers come from within your own family.  Sometimes they come from mothers to daughters, and other times they come from daughters to mothers.  “She” at Yahoo Answers Marriage and Divorce shows us how it is done with My parents don’t seem happy together?

Ok, this isn’t a “they fight a lot” situation. This is just in general. Ok so, my dad usually gets my mom these cute cards for special occasions and flowers. He does that every time. The thing is, he’s never done anything really special that will surprise her.

Most husbands get their wife rings, or diamonds. it’s not unappreciative, because we already know he does too much trying to make money and keep us happy, and we do appreciate that, but a relationship, especially in marriage should be exciting and satisfying. Not predictable and boring.

I don’t mean to be nosy with their marriage, but I just want my mom to be happy. she doesn’t say anything to my dad b/c she doesn’t wanna seem mean and greedy, becuase she’s not. but I couldn’t help but point it out (I have a big mouth) to my dad..and he screamed at me not to talk like that.

I’m not trying to play some innocent act, but I was only trying to help. was i wrong about all this? Because I talked to my mom, and she agreed that my dad never spices up anything..but she said “it’s ok, I’m used to it now” and started laughing, but later I hear her sniffling and she’s all sad. I feel like she’s unhappy that he doesn’t really make a by effort to keep the marriage going and more happy..


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