How To Wage Economic Warfare

How To Wage Economic Warfare

Here’s how we as individuals can stick it to the globalist elites who are hell-bent on wrecking our civilization, after they’ve combined the excesses of plutocracy with cultural Marxism, a crappy form of Communism. They’ve failed to lead the public responsibly, and it’s about time we take action to get them off our backs. Note well, capitalism and democracy are not intrinsically bad, but plutocracy and managed democracy are distortions which indeed are bad.

Money is power, and they’re getting it from the public

How To Wage Economic Warfare

It’s time to starve the beast.

Objectivism has a concept called “the sanction of the victim”. (I’m not an Objectivist, but some of their ideas are pretty good, and they’re a refreshing counterbalance to fuzzy thinking that passes for leftist ideology these days.) The concept is that the bad guys can’t win if we don’t let them. This is best explained by the following excerpt from the John Galt speech in Atlas Shrugged:

Then I saw what was wrong with the world, I saw what destroyed men and nations, and where the battle for life had to be fought. I saw that the enemy was an inverted morality – and that my sanction was its only power. I saw that evil was impotent—that evil was the irrational, the blind, the anti-real—and that the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it. Just as the parasites around me were proclaiming their helpless dependence on my mind and were expecting me voluntarily to accept a slavery they had no power to enforce, just as they were counting on my self-immolation to provide them with the means of their plan—so throughout the world and throughout men’s history, in every version and form, from the extortions of loafing relatives to the atrocities of collectivized countries, it is the good, the able, the men of reason, who act as their own destroyers, who transfuse to evil the blood of their virtue and let evil transmit to them the poison of destruction, thus gaining for evil the power of survival, and for their own values—the impotence of death. I saw that there comes a point, in the defeat of any man of virtue, when his own consent is needed for evil to win—and that no manner of injury done to him by others can succeed if he chooses to withhold his consent. I saw that I could put an end to your outrages by pronouncing a single word in my mind. I pronounced it. The word was “No.”

This means don’t let yourself get screwed over.

Passive resistance has limitations, especially when the other side isn’t playing fair. An old cartoon comes to mind, with two prisoners in a dungeon suspended by their wrists; one says something like, “So much for peaceful change.” Ayn Rand didn’t mind the rich getting richer. However, if she’d lived longer, she’d be horrified by today’s elites controlling the public with cultural Marxism and managed democracy. In fact, characters from her novels like Ellsworh Toohey and James Taggart greatly resembled today’s virtue-signaling elites. Rand’s solution, if we go by Atlas Shrugged, would be to retreat to a valley and let the rest of the world go to hell. Since we don’t have any valleys conveniently set aside, I have some other ideas.

How did the ultra-powerful amass such riches? Some were industrialists at the right place and the right time to make a fortune from a shoestring. (I don’t have a problem with people who get rich through hard work, run their companies responsibly, and don’t push destructive agendas.) For others, it was predatory lending, insider trading, currency manipulation, leveraged buyouts, or other financial chicanery. Even so, many of the individuals and companies that push cultural Marxist social engineering got where they were because the public’s spending choices made them rich and powerful. We can do our part to put a dent in their wallets.

Unplug from the media

How To Wage Economic Warfare

The best hairdo in the cabal

Whenever you see Hollywood celebrities reciting leftist talking points—as if being able to act gives them unique political expertise—remember that they would be nobodies if millions of people didn’t buy tickets to their movies. What the public gives, the public can take away. Granted, movie studios have been left-wing since forever, and they would be displeased if their talent said things they didn’t like. Still, the extreme virtue-signaling by some celebrities leaves little doubt that they mean it, such as choosing to adopt children not of their culture.

We already call out movies that push cultural Marxist agendas; let’s keep hitting them in the wallet. When in doubt, do the research. Don’t spend your money on leftist propaganda, or to fund the jet-setting lifestyle of some overpaid airhead moaning about “privilege” or whatever. Eventually, I look forward to the day when we make movies of our own, but that’ll be a while in the future.

Also, get rid of your TV! If you’re hopelessly hooked, then at least cancel your cable bill and get an antenna. Still, “cold turkey” is the better way. You’ll have more time to do useful things. Since much of what’s on TV is either crap or propaganda meant to demoralize you, then you might well notice your mood improving. Why spend hours a day passively staring into a glowing box?

Finally, be very choosy about your magazine subscriptions. You can do without a daily newspaper fix too. Unless you live in a small town, it’s probably owned by a company far away setting the agenda for all you people in “flyover country”.

Unplug from the corporations

How To Wage Economic Warfare

Sometimes the problem is obvious.

We’ve already mentioned some corporations that don’t deserve your support. Let’s keep doing that, and hit those companies in the wallet too. Ultimately, what’s needed is a database to keep track of companies that do things like fund agitators, piggyback sneaky social messages into their advertisements, cause widespread environmental destruction, “offshore” their workers while management swims in gravy, and the like. This would be something along the lines of Operation Eyes Wide Open, which potentially could even be hosted here. Leftists routinely boycott companies they don’t like; it’s about time we do the same. If businesses saw that virtue-signaling and other irresponsibility hurts the bottom line, they’d think twice about it and focus on their primary mission of making products.

If you don’t care for big agribusiness, then shop frequently at your local farmer’s market. By the way, “all natural” essentially means the same thing as organic. (It’s easy for big agribusiness to get organic certification—they have departments that handle that—and much harder for small farmers not used to all the paperwork.) Your purchases will go to help small farmers near your local community.

Chances are that you have a bank account. Is it with some huge bank headquartered far away from your community, or maybe one that got a TARP bailout because it was “too big to fail”? You can fix that problem. Find a local credit union and move your money.

Take on as little debt as possible. It doesn’t make sense to live above your means, and then have to pay monthly interest charges to the banksters. Sometimes you have to—not everyone is wealthy enough to pay cash on the barrelhead for a car, much less a house—but then shop around and get a decent interest rate. Not being encumbered by credit card debt will help your credit card rating, and allow you to get a low rate.

Where possible, do business with local family-owned stores, rather than huge chains with distant headquarters. Keep the money circulating within your community. Notice a theme yet? This third way is called Distributism, an alternative to plutocracy and socialism. The goal is to put the means of production in the hands of the individual producers as much as possible. This is more relevant than ever; the days when you could get a well-paying factory job fresh out of high school and retire from the same company at 55 with a gold watch and a decent pension are long gone.

The ultimate act of unplugging is to start your own business. This isn’t something done overnight, of course. Rather than quitting your day job, instead come up with a side job that capitalizes on your talents and skills. Once you’ve finally got enough side income to escape the cubicle farm, then you’ll be working for yourself and away from the watchful eyes of the HR department. Self-employment also provides resilience; this is better than having a single revenue stream where your financial future is subject to the company’s economic fortunes and the whims of management.

In conclusion

You should be better off personally and financially by successfully taking these actions. Societally, this won’t make much of an impact if just one person does it. However, if the masses get on board, we can make a real difference, so tell your friends and get them unplugged too.

Read More: Economic Warfare And You


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