Drudge has been headlining the unfolding scandal surrounding General Petraeus, and there are so many manosphere related angles it is fascinating. Rollo has accurately described Patraeus as beta, but for women it should also raise the question of how much alpha they really want. See also W.F. Price’s post Petraeus Homewrecker, Career-Killer Strong, Independent Woman.
For those who haven’t been following the news, here is my rough understanding of the story based on the articles I’ve read. As is always the case, it is likely that the press has gotten parts of this wrong and/or there is more yet to break.
Gen. Petraeus, CIA Director and mastermind of the surge in Iraq has allegedly been having an affair with his biographer, married mother of two Paula Broadwell. The alleged affair was discovered after Mrs. Broadwell apparently suspected Mrs. Jill Kelley (another married mother close to the General) of being the kind of hussy who would steal another woman’s man. According to the Daily Beast, Mrs. Broadwell sent Mrs. Kelley catty anonymous emails with statements like:
You parade around the base … You need to take it down a notch
Mrs. Kelley according to the Daily Mail then contacted one of her beta orbiters who works for the FBI, and he agreed to white knight on her behalf and have this minor catfight elevated into a federal matter. Once the FBI started investigating the catty emails they found exchanges between Petraeus and Broadwell which ultimately lead to Petraeus resigning his post as head of the CIA. Along the way, the hussygate investigation has lead to an investigation into whether General John Allen, the current commander of NATO troops in Afghanistan was having an affair with Mrs. Kelley.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t end there. According to the New York Post, both Generals Allen and Petraeus white knighted on behalf of Mrs. Kelley’s twin sister Natalie Khawam in a custody battle:
The generals’ letters to the court — written in the past two months — supported a motion to overturn a ruling made nearly a year earlier by a judge who resoundingly denied custody to Khawam, because of serious reservations about her honesty and mental stability, court records show.
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