The formation of the second Reich in the late 19th century by Otto von Bismarck created an economic titan that would earn the ire of the other great European powers for over half a century. Its rapid industrialization and expanding colonial presence in the run-up to World War I resulted in the British adopting an Anti-German foreign policy to maintain their world hegemony. The second iteration of this policy, following the rise of the Third Reich, proved too costly for her Empire, and now Germany reigns as the supreme economic force of Europe.
Germany is a state cursed by its geography and haunted by its history, and one could say that the former is largely responsible for the latter. Its central position in Europe has ironically led to great vacillations between political extremes as a kind of defense mechanism against those foreign forces that have repeatedly tried to reduce them to a second-tier state. Once Germany’s aggressive backlash against these foreign powers was quelled at their defeat in the Second World War, they seesawed to a country devoted to society-degenerating Cultural Marxism, in no small part due to its progeny being inculcated with a feeling of insurmountable shame.
Before my month in Dresden, I often told my American compatriots who spoke of the certain demise of Europe that they failed to see the more pressing situation unfolding in America, where the white population was much smaller and closer to being an outright minority. Once I witnessed firsthand how degenerative German society had become, I had to retract my statement entirely.
While “American values” are often defined to suit the audience a politician wishes to evoke sympathy from, there is nevertheless a semblance of cohesive resistance to Marxist influence in America that Western Europe lacks entirely. It could be the greater religious presence in America in which God acts as a shield against the nefarious influences of post-modern culture. The only God left in Germany is environmentalism, where recycling is substituted for weekly sacraments, perfectly pruning one’s garden is a form of prayer, and fields of sacred windmills are erected like shrines.
Dresden lies in the Free State of Saxony, and has been noted for its rallies for organizations such as PEGIDA and the Alternativ für Deutschland political party. One shouldn’t be fooled, though – this city is still dominated by Marxists. There is graffiti everywhere, and the theme is uniform. “FCK NZIS,” “FCK PEGIDA,” “FCK AFD,” “No people are illegal,” among other pro-Antifa slogans are plastered on nearly every street.
Germans don’t just have a taste for putting graffiti on their streets, either, as a large portion of the German youth are covered in tattoos (sometimes extending to their jaw-lines), and disturbing lobe-gauging earrings are another popular practice. The number of women with dyed hair is obnoxious as well, and it seems there is a general consensus that once a woman has eclipsed the age of 35, she must sport a short haircut suited only for punk rockers and bull dykes.
A professional dancer connected to the local drug scene told me that ketamine was the drug of choice in this city, and added, “You would be amazed at how many drugs a German has to take to open up to you.” On any given night, one can stroll through the city’s region of bars and clubs and find people littered about the street drinking amidst roaming packs of Africans and Middle Easterners sending their kids out with cups of change begging for money.
In the clubs, men outnumber the women by a staggering ratio, which made sense after seeing how many girls were packed in the university library. German women are extremely career-oriented and don’t need to blow off steam about their impending demographic time bomb.
An overall view of the people reveals a population that is childless and growing very old. Seeing German babies is a rarity, and when you do it is usually a sole child being pushed in a stroller. Middle Eastern men spending time with their children, lounging in the grass, or playing soccer was a much more frequent sight. The root of this phenomenon was perfectly captured when a lone, thirtyish German woman covered in tattoos and wearing the appropriate blue-dyed, dyke haircut stepped on my bus, followed by a Middle Eastern man tending to his three young children. It was almost poetic how perfectly this moment captured the inevitable demise of German society.
The central issue in understanding the modern, passive nature of the average German is in the level of trust he places in his media. While even average Americans now know that their media is fundamentally anti-American, the Germans live in an entirely different world. Imagine an America where CNN is relied upon for accurate depictions of world events for a better understanding of the German’s complacency. This has also resulted in Germans harboring an embarrassing obsession with Donald Trump very similar to American liberals.
The spirit of this country has been conquered by the bludgeoning of its youth with the sins of its ancestors, and the collective choice to extinguish the possibility of such a mistake being repeated is an understandable tragedy. Obviously, each region of Germany experiences this cultural phenomenon to a different degree (Berlin being the epicenter), and one cannot question the industriousness of the average German. One can question why they would feel the need to be industrious, however, when the fruits of their labor will ultimately be passed on to foreign peoples. Herein lies the nihilistic heart of childless, Cultural Marxist decadence.
It is obvious that the foreign cultures residing in Germany should have little respect for this society, just as I have little respect for the present condition of the German world. I do have sympathy, though, simply because I share common ancestry with these people. The fundamental Islamist will have no sympathy, and he certainly will have no urge to join this cultural degeneracy. And so the central question concerning Germany’s fate should not be, “When will foreign elements conquer these people?” but rather, “Why haven’t they already tried?”
Read More: The Battle Over Public Libraries Shows How Sweden Continues To Push A Cultural Marxist Narrative
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