I think he has earned a puppy party.

In Why Man and Woman Are Not Equal Glenn Stanton writes:

The New York Times’s Gail Collins told NPR unequivocally that the most important primary finding of her brilliant book America’s Women (which faithfully sits to the left behind Leslie Knope’s desk in every Parks and Recreation episode), is that the most powerful and important influence women have had on our nation’s founding, growth, and success is this: They make men behave. All their other important contributions are secondary.

I was unfamiliar with Leslie Knope or the show Parks and Recreation, but given how important she is to Stanton I knew she and the show had to be hilariously feminist.  I did a bit of googling and found this fitting clip.

I am a goddess, a glorious female warrior. Queen of all that I survey. Enemies of fairness and equality, hear my womanly roar. Yeah!

Related:  Solipsism as a religious experience.


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