Honor Your Father Today offers suggested social media posts to promote the campaign and honor fathers for Father’s Day. Here are the first 12 suggestions:
Now is the time… Honor Your Father Today. Learn how at honoryourfathertoday.com
“How do you honor someone who isn’t honorable?” Go to honoryourfathertoday.com to learn how
“A wound will only become infected if it is left untreated.” -Matt Haviland, The Daddy Gap – Go to honoryourfathertoday.com to learn to heal wounds with your parents.
“How honoring a not so honorable Dad can change him and your relationship with him” Learn more at honoryourfathertoday.com
“My dad was never around. My dad died many years ago. My dad doesn’t deserve to be honored.” If any of these statements fit you go to honoryourfathertoday.com for insights on how to move on.
“My dad was the meanest man I know. I have nothing good to say”- It that describes you, go to honoryourfathertoday.com
“Want to help your church, pastor to do something a little different this fathers day? Go to honoryourfathertoday.com to learn how to plan a special service and access free resources.
Tried everything to make amends with your dad but failed? Here’s an uncommon approach that may turn his heart to you and yours back to him. Honoryourfathertoday.com
Don’t know how to help a spouse who is struggling with their relationship with their dad? There’s help at honoryourfathertoday.com
Have you thought about saying something that you need to say to your dad before it’s too late? Go to honoryourfathertoday.com to learn what to do, what not to do.
Feel you are alone in not knowing how to feel or treat your dad who has hurt you deeply? Go to honoryourfathertoday.com for help.
For Christians, we are often called to do something (obey) because God said do it. But what about honoring a dad that don’t deserve it? Get insight and help at honoryourfathertoday.com
Can you feel the love? No one celebrates Father’s Day like Christians do!
Following this litany of father trashing there are a few suggestions to make a video for your father, write him a letter, or pray for him. Then the suggestions close with a grand finale of father bashing:
Daddy wounds run deep. Learn how to heal them @ honoryourfathertoday.com
Want to break the cycle of Father wounds? Learn how @honoryourfathertoday.com
Listen to Dr. John Trent author of book The Blessing discuss how he honored a dad who chose to not be in his life http://www.honoryourfathertoday.com
Want free resources your church can use to really bless Fathers this Father’s Day? Go to honoryourfathertoday.com
Research shows that Fathers are key to healthy child development. Learn how to encourage Dads to be connected Dads @ honoryourfathertoday.com
20.3 million Children (27%) live in a home with no father. Let’s turn that around. Go to http://www.honoryourfathertoday.com
Children growing up without a father present are more likely to suffer physical, emotional or educational neglect, engage in juvenile delinquency including violent crime, abuse drugs and alcohol, be a teenage mom and live in poverty. http://www.Honoryourfathertoday.com (* Get more promo tools, images at http://honoryourfathertoday.com/promotools
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