If we were as foolish about male sexuality as we are about female sexuality.

Several readers objected to my post Feral females in the news because they read it as me asserting that girls aged 6-9 naturally tend to compete sexually for boys.  This wasn’t what I had in mind.  My argument was that 6-9 year old girls were following the lead of older girls and that the older girls are not being driven by the culture but are in fact driving it.

The dominant frame in our culture is that post pubescent girls and women are naturally modest and chaste.  The assumption is that if women are indulging in their sexual power, especially young women, there must be some outside force making them do something which goes against their nature.  If 6-9 year old girls are following suit, then this is seen as further proof that women across the board are being pressured into acting in ways they don’t want to.

When young women start dressing immodestly the assumption is that they don’t really want to do this, but are being forced to do it.  The poor girls must be being sexualized by those dirty nasty boys and perverted men.  Boys and men must be driving the culture to cause young women to want to indulge in the power of their sexuality.  The young women who dress and/or act like tramps are poor victims, too innocent to understand what is happening to them.  They must suffer from a lack of self esteem and are in desperate need of more moxie so they can avoid becoming exploited in this way.  If they only were able to be true to themselves they would immediately switch to modest clothing and start seeking out the husband they will stay with for life, because that is the true nature of women’s sexuality.

This is pure nonsense.  Both men and women have sexual impulses which need to be directed, constrained, and channelled if we want to have a moral and functional family structure and society.  But feminists are very open that they despise any restrictions on girls and women, especially when it comes to them exercising power.  The power young women have in spades is sexual power, but it turns out to be more difficult to effectively exercise than feminists imagine.  Nevertheless, feminists have managed to remove the restrictions on female sexual behavior and have been more successful than anyone could have predicted.  Even Traditional Conservatives now see the word slut as an insult to all women.

This foolishness is so pervasive that few can even identify it.  It is one of those ideas which entered the popular understanding without much real discussion.  Otherwise sane parents assume their daughters don’t have a sexual nature which needs to be curbed, only self esteem which needs to be reaffirmed and evil boys which need to be kept at bay.  If a young woman sets out on her preferred path of promiscuity, nearly everyone mistakes it for her somehow being frustrated in her search for lifelong marriage.

Fortunately this cultural insanity only applies to female sexuality and not male sexuality.  Otherwise we would have fathers finding their son’s illicit cache of Playboy magazines and lecturing him with:

Son, I know your friends are all pressuring you to look at pictures of beautiful naked women and that you are just trying to fit in. I was forced to do so at your age too, and it was terrible. The thing is, the playmate doesn’t know how to cherish your heart. We need to work on your self esteem and make you less self disciplined, more true to yourself, and your desire to look at this will go away.


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