I’m back now, but not sure how soon I’ll have a substantive post out. In the meantime I’ve read some excellent posts by other bloggers.
Alte has two posts which deal with the topic of women’s safety. The first is So… why are women not afraid? where she picks up where we left off discussing violence last week. She makes the inarguable point that from a historical perspective women (and men) are largely free of the risk of violent crime. As a consequence, she suggests that women are left craving the excitement which would normally be a part of their lives:
There are no consequences. There just aren’t. No one is going to hit us, rape us, kidnap us, or murder us. We can do pretty much as we like, and we’re stifled by our very freedom. It’s unnatural. Our bodies and minds aren’t designed for such comfort and safety, and it frustrates us. So we instigate things. We shit-test, we push men around, we beg them to be rough with us in bed, we demand ridiculous things, we wander around town half-naked, we throw fits, we invite trouble, we play, “Let’s you and him fight.” Why not? There’s no risk involved! It’s like watching gladiators on television, dreaming about werewolves, or reading a Victorian novel. It’s harmless fun, meant to satisfy our natural appetite for violent excitement.
I don’t agree with her entire argument, but I think there is at least a kernel of truth to what she is saying. I also think that both men and women tend to romanticize chaotic or end of the world scenarios when the daily grind of worrying about much more real (but mundane) problems like unemployment/layoffs, paying a mortgage, etc. is getting to them.
Alte’s next post on the topic covers Arming your wife. Again, my position is different than hers, but I often enjoy seeing how she goes about making her case.
I might go back to one or both of Alte’s posts in the future, but in the meantime I thought I would point them out for those who haven’t already read them.
Mike at Crime and Federalism has a very powerful post about his father. It adds perspective to a previous post of his: Bipolar Disorder Meets “Eat, Pray, Love”
Badger has a post you might enjoy titled: Two Encounters This week
Captain Capitalism has an interesting chart comparing the relative freedom levels of each of the U.S. states.
What have I missed? I’ll turn this over for DIY linkage. Share your own posts which you think I or my readers would enjoy, or the posts of another blogger.
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