Over 200 men have signed up to be hosts for International Meetup Day On February 6, meaning it will be one of the largest single-day meetups the world has seen. The only problem is that we’re missing hosts for a handful of cities that are in our top 50 most trafficked. If you’re from one of the below cities, I ask that you fill out the hosting form so that your city also has a meetup on February 6.
North America
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Edmonton, Canada
Houston, Texas, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Adelaide, Australia
Brisbane, Australia
Dublin, Ireland
Helsinki, Finland
I can’t accept any new hosts if your city is not on the above list because I’ve reached a limit before the logistics really get out of hand.
The hardest part of planning so far is identifying meeting points that are unambiguous and make it easy for you to find other tribesmen. Statues, fountains, squares, and small parks work best. I’ve been spending a lot of time making images like this:

For the meetup in Brussels
Of course we can’t predict how many people will show up, and in the case of smaller towns, if anyone will show up at all, but this risk is worth it if a successful meetup allows men to connect with each other in a way they couldn’t before. Read my introductory post on the meetup to understand why I’m doing this.
Hosts have stepped forward from exotic locations in China, Japan, India, Bahamas, and Nepal. We also have a lot of smaller towns covered in the American heartland and throughout Europe. Once the finalized city list and instructions are published here on January 19, I will promote it vigorously to ensure the word gets out. If you are a host, I will email you on January 18 with further information.
Don’t Miss: International ROK Meetup Day: February 6, 2016
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