Introducing Kings Wiki, A Wikipedia For Us

Introducing Kings Wiki, A Wikipedia For Us

With the help from MediaWiki expert Raymond Kertezc, I have launched Kings Wikis, a wiki centered around the themes of masculinity and nationalism. After a one-month beta run, we are now ready for a wider launch with over 300 articles already published. Here are the most developed articles we currently have:

For a list of all articles, click here.

The goal with Kings Wiki is to have a wiki resource that presents truthful information from a masculine viewpoint. Instead of competing with Wikipedia, Kings Wiki will focus on subjects that are most relevant to our sphere. When these subjects are Googled, the public will be able to easily find our take, especially since Google ranks wikis very highly in their results. I view Kings Wiki as a long-term project to build influence. While it’s not an active destination like ROK, it does have new daily content that will make it worth frequent visits.

Introducing Kings Wiki, A Wikipedia For Us

Of course a wiki is not possible without users who edit it, so I encourage you to participate in the project by editing an existing page from clicking the “edit” button or creating your own page from simply typing a phrase in the search box and then clicking the red create link. Here is a wiki editing guide to get you started. You can also check out the forum thread on the wiki to participate further. If you create a page, drop the link in the comments so we can take a look.

Click here to visit Kings Wiki.


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