Those blue-eyed devils. The world would be better off without them, right?
One only need subject themselves to mainstream media for a few short minutes to see white people being labeled racists for everything from looking out for their own self-interest by electing President Trump, to not supplicating enough when they see a person of color on the street. A narrative has been established that white people can be nothing but oppressors, while those of any other ethnic group can only be victims.
The failing but still very powerful mainstream media thrives on sowing racial discord and division. This not only helps the power structure maintain its chokehold over Western politics in a classic divide and conquer strategy, it helps set up the narrative for a much bigger undertaking: making the very existence of white people unacceptable.
With all the race-baiting and scapegoating of whites for all the past, present, and future problems of the world, one has to wonder if soft and slow genocide is an agenda item for diabolical elites. A new Bolshevism based on race has descended on the West in the early 21st century as leftists and their marionettes in the media target Europeans and Americans of European descent in a magnificently diabolical design.
One of the dirtiest tricks in politics is to accuse your opposition of your own crimes. The left incessantly yells “racist” at white people without ever realizing the supreme irony that exists in stereotyping an entire race of people with a pejorative term. In modern times, whites must take sides and be either loathful oppressors or supplicating submissives to other ethnic groups. There is no in between.
The insanity of scapegoating a group of people as villains has precedent, although targeting an entire race certainly is a new twist on an old game.
In 1918, the masses of useful idiots directed mass killings, torture and systematic oppression at the Bourgeoisie. In 2017, forces are at work to direct the same evil at those of European descent. Not since the original Bolsheviks conducted the Red Terror have we seen such a storm gathering, directed squarely at one group of people.
Dr. Evil

Under the guise of an “Open Society” Soros funds far left, Communist groups
One of those at the forefront pushing an agenda of racial scapegoating is Dr. Evil himself, George Soros. Soros has been funding leftist mobs on both sides of the pond in an attempt to spark a new Socialist revolution that has eerie similarities to the conditions leading up to the Red Terror.
Rather than targeting the middle class in general as was the case in Russia a century ago, the mobs Soros funds today are largely aimed at targeting white people.
Reports have surfaced far and wide that Soros funded the race-based riots that took place last summer in cities across America, sending at least $650,000 to the racially motivated group Black Lives Matter. Now, he is now being investigated for funding Socialist groups in Europe under his Open Society front. Fox News reported on his latest alleged misdeeds:
George Soros’ alleged meddling in European politics has caught the attention of Congress. Concerns about Soros’ involvement most recently were raised by the Hungarian prime minister, who last week lashed out at the Soros “empire” and accused it of deploying “tons of money and international heavy artillery.”
Among this “international heavy artillery” are so-called “rent-a-mobs” or protestors for hire paid for by Soros-linked groups, intended to marginalize Trump and push back against the West’s recent moves against New World Order globalism. According to World Net Daily:
An ABC News producer tweeted a photo of protesters burning a “Make America Great Again” hat, stolen off the head of a Trump supporter. It turns out [the woman in the photo,] Maile Hampton was profiled as someone who appears to be professional protester, in a story published in WND two weeks ago.
Hampton, who goes by the name Kwame Kahlo on Twitter, is a self-described “Marxist Leninist.” She has been seen and photographed at protests all over California recently, and even in Mexico.
In the span of only 10 days, Hampton appeared at multiple protests.
Of course, the press gives these fake protestors center stage on their heavily propagandized newscasts. The narrative is always the same: black and brown people fighting back against oppression by evil white people – those carrying the banner of what Bertrand Russell called “The Fallacy of the Superior Virtue of the Oppressed.” People of color are not to be questioned about their motives, even when they become violent.
This attitude led to the successful destruction of several inner cities in 2016. Soros is not alone. Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and other billionaires actively push an agenda of globalism which is destructive to white communities.
If you think there’s no immediate threat to those of European descent, realize how far the agenda has already advanced while the media and globalists push the envelope even further.

Ask yourself what would happen if a group called “White Lives Matter” did this in cities across America to see how far down the path of Racial Bolshevism we’ve already gone
Imagine if white nationalists burned cities down nationwide. We all know the groups would be targeted for destruction, in much the same way LaVoy Finicum was mowed down by authorities in Oregon for protesting a government land grab linked to a Clinton family uranium deal with Russia.
The media continue badgering Trump over Russia while developing collective amnesia when it comes to that explosive story.
Additionally, the press would be screaming, flopping on the floor, and foaming at the mouth if billionaires were funding a group called White Lives Matter that called blacks “defects” who should be wiped off the face of the planet. But they haven’t brought this bombshell that surfaced last week to the attention of the masses:
The co-founder of Toronto’s Black Lives Matter chapter believes white people are “recessive genetic defects” who should be “wiped out.”
“Whiteness is not humaness,” Yusra Khogali wrote in a just-discovered Facebook post from December 2015, according to the Toronto Sun. “in fact, white skin is sub-human.” From there, Khogali…made her case against the Caucasian race by arguing that more melanin is better.
After making several similar statements, Khogali concluded that white people “are recessive genetic defects.” She said the Caucasian race “need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves.”
This hateful rhetoric predictably likely would never have seen the light of day if it weren’t for the Internet.
Indeed, the prevailing view among mediaites and government policy makers is that every culture deserves to preserve itself except European culture, and every race of people can have pride in itself and its accomplishments except those of European descent.
This is exactly how Cultural Marxism works. Destroy the family, destroy the history of the nation, then destroy the nation itself. Andrew Jackson being removed from the most common denomination of American currency is only the first volley in what will surely be many more moves to destroy Caucasian history and humiliate white people. Look for the Founding Fathers to be targeted soon, as Communists move to rewrite history and collectively lobotomize Westerners with the goal of making them forget their history and shun their culture.
But it won’t be enough to shame and debase white people. That’s not how Communism works. The end goal will be to bring about an end to the very existence of those of European descent, just as the Bolsheviks once attempted to eliminate the “evil” Kulaks. Bolder moves will come. Perhaps one dark day we will see the narrative that white people reproducing with each other is racist.
Or, perhaps we will see another bloodbath resulting from the encroaching insanity of leftists.
History Echoes

21st century Bolshevik-style scapegoating is directed at Caucasians – could we see a new Red Terror in the coming decades?
It’s been said history may not repeat itself, but it does echo.
We have entered a dangerous period in history as the current situation in the West echoes the social situation leading up to the Red Terror a century ago.
Looking back to 1918, Trotsky spoke of the Bourgeoisie being estranged from the masses of people. As demographic displacement quickly proceeds as planned in Europe and America with whites going from 92% of the population in the U.S. to about one-third of the population by mid-century, it won’t be too many more decades before white people will find themselves estranged in their own lands, echoing these chilling words written by none other than Leon Trotsky:
The Russian bourgeoisie found itself to such a degree estranged from the masses of the people, so internally helpless, so compromised by the course and the result of the war, so demoralized by the regime of Kerensky, that it scarcely dared show any resistance.
Isn’t that the agenda? Demoralize, debase, and dehumanize white people day in and day out until they don’t show any resistance? This has already happened in liberal cities across the nation as a man only needs visit these areas to realize how self-loathing most of the white people there have become.
We’ve already seen sparks of revolution with “virtuous” mobs of color rising up against Whitey nationwide in recent years with the full support of the press and a Socialist government. Always remember, a Socialist is a Communist who doesn’t have a gun. Yet.
Meanwhile, globalists continue pushing an agenda of racial division and white marginalization in the West even in the face of populist uprisings on both sides of the pond.
Why are they doing this?
It’s not too much of a stretch of the imagination to wonder if genocide is on the elite agenda. The power structure surely is not trying to build white people up, but it is actively trying to tear them down. It would be convenient for social engineers if one group of people who have proven problematic when it comes to elite plans for world domination in the past just up and disappeared.
An amalgamated humanity is easier to manage for central planners than a truly diverse planet, with diverse people and cultures. A world monoculture of people with no identity or beliefs, a mass of compulsive shoppers and eaters is what the elites desire. Is that somewhere you want to be taken?
Read More: Did The New Star Wars Casting Have A Racial Agenda?
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