Rosie Batty was given the Australian of the Year award yesterday. In February 2014, Rosie Batty’s ex-boyfriend murdered their son at cricket practice and then committed suicide. Batty was left unharmed.
The next day she gave a 24-minute interview, and from there she has become a national hero and celebrity. She has traveled the country speaking out against domestic violence. This seems like cookie-cutter leftist victim pandering worthy of ignoring. However, there are some interesting features in this story.
1. The Father Committed Suicide
If a person murders his or her child, there is clearly a deep-seated mental illness present. If that person then commits suicide, then even more so was the person disturbed. So this is not society being callous towards women, so much as just the actions of an individual lunatic, especially since the both people who died were male.
Leftists usually adore the mentally ill. Next to blacks and gays, the mentally ill are the left’s favorite pet. This is mainly because so many liberals have mental illness, and so it gives them a kind of victimhood, especially when insurance doesn’t cover the dubious treatment.
So why is the left labeling this as the evil bogeyman of the patriarchy instead of a man crying for meaning in a cold world? Because ultimately modern liberalism is about maintaining a narrative, and nothing gets people to sympathize with them like a crying woman. However, I’m not sure we could say that Batty is crying…
2. She Switches Between Emotional Neutrality And Joy
If you watch the video, notice how she almost tears up at the beginning and then suddenly goes back to her dead expression. You may think that if a woman cries, there must be an authentic meaning behind it, but watch You’ve Got Mail sometime with your mother and see how easy it is to trigger the waterworks. Even the media have observed Batty’s emotional neutrality, although they claim it is a virtue.
Batty has even said she thought she was supposed to enjoy the attention.
“I feel very uncomfortable that I have become this very well-known figure through the death of my son. How can you embrace it and enjoy it when you are in the most difficult time of your life?” […]
“I almost think, why would I want to live to 100 like my grandmother, because that would mean that I don’t see Luke for all that time. You could say I don’t even fear death anymore, because whatever is in the next world, that’s where I’ll get to see him again.”
She says this calmly, her eyes dry.
In addition to emotional deadness, she also finds ways to bask in the attention. The Sydney Morning Herald writes,
Rosie Batty is the antithesis of the grieving mother, bright where you expect darkness, open and lively where she might have been downcast and restrained. She chats and laughs readily, wears vibrant colours and continues to seek good from a personal tragedy. […]
As another day peaks without her son, she stares at his picture, brimming with sunshine and possibility.
There is some shadowing of this as Batty tells the story of her mother’s death. She felt alone and unable to express grief. By her own admission, this has tainted all future relationships.
“I have not really formed permanent relations with anybody; I have never been married and neither have my two other brothers. I think it really traumatises you from having key relationships because of that fear that they are going to leave you.” […]
But when she moved back to Victoria in 2000, she felt isolated: she was now single, and many of her mates had become parents. “I was told by a friend of mine … ‘Maybe you should be a bit less strong to be more attractive to men.’ I was like, ‘How can you be something different to what you are?’ ”
You’d think having your child brutally murdered in front of your eyes would cause such PTSD that you would never be able to speak of him again without breaking down into fits, but apparently Batty is a stronger person than I am.
3. She Chose To Involve Herself And The Child With A Dangerous Man
The child Luke was born to her after she had already broken up with the father Greg Anderson. He appears to have already shown strong signs of mental disturbance to the point of threatening to murder her when the baby was two years old. But prior to the birth, she had dated him for two years before breaking up for eight years. Surely some time during those first two years and the later reconnection she saw strong signs of abusive behavior. Nevertheless, she made a decision to restore contact with him and to have unprotected sex.
4. She Has Greatly Benefited From All Of This
The Australian people have rallied to pamper her, and she has gladly accepted all of it. I don’t use the word “pamper” as an exaggeration. The Sydney Morning Herald writes,
The prime minister phoned with his condolences. Journalists choked at interviews, even as she remained comparatively composed. Strangers deluged her with flowers and gifts. Police officers pooled funds to send her to a day spa. […]
In September, she addressed a Senate inquiry. She has signed a book deal and someone wants to paint her for the Archibald Prize. She has lunched with the Packers, and has been introduced to countless celebrities she hasn’t always heard of.
An artist named Jacqui Clark even made a painting of Luke and sent it to her.
But the biggest tell-tale sign of a professional victim is,
Luke’s school deposited a sizeable insurance payout into her bank account. After all those years of taking mediocre jobs through motherhood, suddenly, she did not have to worry about earning an income for a while.
If you need even more of a reason to look down on the Australian people, the article continues,
Since then, there have been many unexpected acts of kindness. She still receives gifts and flowers, and initially was given so much food that she did not have to cook for six months. One morning, a packet of lavender with a hand-written note arrived in the mail, in an envelope simply marked “Rosie Batty, Tyabb, Victoria”. A 70-year-old woman has written to her admiringly: “Your words are gold.” At lunch, a stranger walks over to her table, gently holds her upper arm and tells her, “I just want to say good luck with everything. I admire your courage.”
Notice this clamor about domestic violence didn’t happen when a mother recently murdered her eight children in December. In general, it seems like most acts of filicide in the media are committed by the mother and not the father. In fact, a murdered child is statistically [page four] more likely to have been murdered by the mother instead of the father. Of course, when it is the mother who commits the crime, the media write it off as the mother being deeply mentally ill and doing it out of what she thinks is the best interest of the child.
Another conclusion is that we aren’t sure what really happened with the father Anderson. Small details she has said implicitly make it seem like she had been trying to exclude or vilify Anderson towards his son as much as she could. Of course, she explicitly claimed the opposite in interviews, but why wouldn’t she? She looks like more of a saint if she’s forgiving.
One also wonders if a more active role in his son’s life could have alleviated Anderson’s anguish, or whether he was so dangerous that it would have been best to exclude him entirely. I would like to hear his side of the story, but unfortunately he didn’t leave a note behind.
Batty said,
“To the women and children who are unsafe, in hiding or living in fear, who have changed their names, left their extended families and moved from their communities to find safety, you do not deserve to live a life that is dictated by violence,” she said. “You are not to blame.”
Batty is perpetuating the modernist lie that actions do not have consequences or that blame logically must always rest with a single individual. This destroys lives because it condones reckless behavior. The better advice would be to be very selective of whom you let into your personal life.
Perhaps it is most concerning that this has become an issue of women’s advocacy when really the man just had extreme mental distress that wasn’t shown proper care. Murder has always been illegal. Domestic abuse is also illegal. So what new law is supposed to be enacted? Or is she just raising awareness for a commonly-known problem? Apparently she wants Australia to have their own version of the American money-hole known as VAWA.
The most obvious conclusion is that Batty is taking advantage of her son’s brutal murder to gain money and fame. This is enabled by the left, who who also have much to gain from this. You don’t have to be Scooby Doo to solve this mystery. If she had real humility, she’d ask people to stop spending their hard-earned money to send her to the spa. But she wants her celebrity victim tour, and the left wants their funding.
Read More: 9 Reasons Why Sydney Sucks For Men
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