Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?

In today’s world smart phone’s are less of a necessity and just simply a reality. The once common flip cell phone is all but on the verge of extinction, and with $40-$50 a month no-contract policies available, even Obama phone users have access to smartphones. As awesome as they are in regards to the information overload you now have available a few inches away from your cock, is it really helping or hurting?

The Good

Thanks to smartphones, you know have a few added advantages to the dating/hookup scene.

1. Google Maps

You used to have to worry about knowing where you were going. Even if you decided to go to a local venue, if you hadn’t been there before, you may walk past it six times before noticing it. But now with phones you can simply yell the address and it tells you exactly where to go.

2. There’s an app for that

Can’t spell, there’s an app. Need to pay your bill so you have a place to bang, app for that. Need something to do while you shit, there’s an app for that. There are literally so many apps that you could argue pulling your kid out of school and having it learn from your iPhone.

Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?

3. Dating connectivity

While personally I avoid online dating, anyone wishing to venture into it now has the advantage of the dating app. The plus side is half of them just simply tell you who is nearby rather than making you set up a complicated profile. If anything it’s a decent blend of your picture looks decent, and if I can spot you at a bar and you look like the picture, you can talk, and then bang.

4. Access to venue reviews

Say you go downtown and the bar sucks, and you’re not from the area. Smartphones allow you to use Google to find a place that’s both nearby and find a review on it. This saves countless amounts of walking up and down a street to only end up in some dump crap venue where you’re going to leave five minutes later.

The Bad

But for the negative side, there’s some big downfalls to smartphones as well.

1. Social skill killer

For being only 25, I’m still  a fan of the old fashion call for a date. The problem is, no one else is. It’s not uncommon for me to call, only to have no answer, and then get an immediate text response of “hey whats up?” While this makes hookups easier when someone happens to be preoccupied, such as being at work, the flakiness is rarely due to an acceptable excuse. It’s just primarily due to the fact that people want to hide behind a screen. AIM back in the day did the same thing, only this is worse, because this is with people 24/7, 365.


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2. Addiction

It’s now being proven that people are addicted to cell phones. They cannot look away from their phones for five minutes, which in turn means you do not get their attention for more than four minutes. This sadly isn’t a case of looking for the wrong women. The majority of people I have encountered are just simply addicted to technology. If you ever doubt it, go to a mall on a weekend and find a high school couple together. Nine times out of ten they will be walking together smiling, and texting someone else. I imagine the conversation goes “OMG I’m having so much fun with my bf at the mall.” Meanwhile, neither of them ever talk to each other.

3. There’s an app for that

Yes, this is a bit of a contradiction to the above, but a key point. Initially apps were useful. Now people are coming out with programs that are only hindering the intelligence of the human race. Becky’s use of an app to see what astrological signs match up with her for dating will not get you laid unless you happen to be the one sign the app says matches up. As dating apps gain popularity as well, you’re likely to see some blockage of cold approaches which will leave you stuck sending bait through an app. Game over.

Is Your Smartphone Cock Blocking You?

He had such a great opener, from across the room, on his phone.

The only thing I can conclude from technology, primarily smart phones, is that they are the worst invention created in terms of game. Where they were once unique and useful, they’ve become common and pointless. The ability to assist has been shoved to the back of the room, while the primary focus is on ruining your intelligence and cockblocking you.

In the end, the only hope I can see for technology losing ground is if a trend is started going against  technology. In it’s current form though, you no longer have to worry about Ashley’s fat-ass friend cock blocking you. Now you have to worry about her damn iPhone.

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