I thought I was done with this, but I see that Matt Walsh is continuing with his insistence that marketers are the reason women behave badly.
Imagine the message that would send. Imagine the Hollywood elites as they look at one another, stunned and shell shocked. “Dear Lord, the plebeians have become self-aware. They have… standards. They won’t sit obediently and devour whatever load of vapid, lifeless excrement we try to shovel into their anonymous faces. The jig is up, boys, we’re doomed.”
Elsewhere in the post he refers to the movie as a “cynical, boring, corporate marketing ploy”. The great irony is that 50 Shades of Grey is a case where the marketers weren’t providing the type of depravity women demanded, so women went around the marketers. 50 SOG is a work of fan fiction which went viral. By all accounts the mass enthusiasm for the book isn’t due to it being masterfully written. Pretty much everyone agrees that it is horribly written, but that women are willing to overlook that because it scratches a powerful itch. Even when women go around the marketers to get what they want, Walsh still can only blame the marketers. He assumes women are being forced to consume this against their will.
The reality is that women will reward marketers who give them what they want and punish those who don’t. Walsh really needs to get his head around this because marketing to women is the very business he is in. At some level he has to know this, because he receives mountains of praise when he does things like undermine headship, provide excuses for women to divorce their husbands, and tell women they are beautiful. He has to have also noticed that when he criticizes frivolous divorce, his otherwise delighted readers get hysterical and accuse him of being unChristian. Matt even touches on the fact that many of the same Christian women who loved his posts against men using pornography are equally enthusiastic about 50 SOG.
I’ve noticed that some of the women who give me a hearty ‘AMEN’ every time I write a post condemning pornography, are the same ones gushing frantically about this film. They don’t want their husbands watching porn, but they’ll not only watch and read porn themselves — they’ll advertise that fact to the entire world. As if the hypocrisy isn’t bad enough, they had to add in a touch of public emasculation.
Classy move.
This had me curious what Jenny Erikson has written on the 50 SOG movie, since she was so comforted in her sinful divorce by Walsh’s writing. Not surprisingly, she is awaiting its release with bated breath.
But even Walsh’s creeping recognition overlooks the fact that when he called men out for using pornography he declared it as adultery (full stop). Yet while he quotes plenty of Scripture in his 50 SOG post, he doesn’t manage to get around to making the same claim for women’s much more shameless consumption of porn.
If Walsh still requires proof that women (in general) are in the driver’s seat, he should look no further than the hysterical feedback he received for writing negatively about 50 SOG. Once he understands this, he will realize that while plenty of marketers are knowingly encouraging women to sin in the ways women most want to sin, most of the time they are just going with what brings the results they want. Telling the truth and standing up for the parts of biblical morality which offend women isn’t good for business when your business is pleasing women, especially in our time of unprecedented feminist rebellion. Once Walsh accepts this all too obvious fact, his next question should be what business does he want to be in?
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