It Was A Nightmare To Work In A 90% Female Workplace

It Was A Nightmare To Work In A 90% Female Workplace

Two years ago in Sweden I had a one-year contract at a 90% female environment, a college workplace dedicated to subjects such as beauty and fashion, where I observed many patterns regarding sex differences.

Before I continue, it is pertinent to add that there is significant variation among women. Even in schools with somewhat lower average grades and test scores, some girls are intelligent, diligent, talented, and showcase agreeable behavior. Some are even relatively competent, easy to work with, and not overly sensitive. With that said, this was a predominantly negative experience for a variety of reasons.

Widespread neuroticism

A constant problem was crying, yelling, and being absent as a consequence of depression and various psychosocial health issues. After a while all I could do is sigh.

It Was A Nightmare To Work In A 90% Female Workplace

Far-reaching coddle

Another troubling component was the never-ending coddle of female students, mainly from the female co-workers. The underlying pedagogic idea is that a safe and pleasant environment will create happy and motivated individuals. Girls need special treatment in order to fully thrive, some suggest.

Although it is indeed true that more authoritarian manners may severely backfire, coddling girls leads to a vicious cycle. If no one draws the line, it will constantly be moved, at the expense of self-discipline and responsibility.

If the principal and teachers take ridiculous claims seriously, mainly from manipulative, histrionic or neurotic girls who are the least likely to make substantial assertions on just about anything, the organization puts itself in a tenuous position.

Additionally, the entire concept of treating people, soon to be adults, as borderline retarded kids appears to be pure nonsense that only further accelerates social decline.

Backstabbing and herd mentality

If only one percent of the females decide that they will not accept that you yelled at them once when they were acting moronic during class, or they have identified “offensive” thoughts about Oriental women on your personal blog, many of their female friends will follow suit and band together. They’ll quickly flock around the female staff, the principal in particular, and even involve parents, with the aim to restore their notion of justice.

Such obstacles can be solved in the end, often through strategic diplomacy and benevolent manipulation, but they will nevertheless create stress and unease.

Male workers hunker down or quit

Two consequences of a female-dominated workplace, where masculinity has to be severely curtailed, are that males hunker down or quit. I saw a gradual decline of the percentage of male workers within the small span of just a year.

When you are not allowed to be yourself, sometimes not even in the slightest, you have to dwell inside a shell. Although it would be quite pathetic to complain about such conditions, a majorly masculine man simply wants to spend time in an environment which does not decrease his overall well-being.

It Was A Nightmare To Work In A 90% Female Workplace

The secondary becomes the primary

Instead of focusing on results, skills, and enabling students and teachers to work undisturbed, silly campaigns became the major focus. For example, for one week everyone had to say “Hello” to just all of whom they happened to meet. Even the students with the weakest intellectual faculties considered this idea, which unsurprisingly a female co-worker came up with, as peculiarly inane and stupid.

Females are generally more emotional and gregarious, whereas men are more rational and assertive. When the female elements become the dominant forces, the environment will change accordlingly.

In summary

To work in such a female-dominated environment may likely have a negative impact on a man’s well-being and is not to be recommended. The quality of work may also decline because of females’ penchant for emotional and interpersonal nonsense. A more balanced demography or a male-dominated environment are obviously preferred.

For more of William Adams’ material, check out his website Syncretic Politics.

Read More: 3 Annoying Types OF Females That Most Men Encounter


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