In my previous post I originally assumed that Pastor Donald Sensing’s “eldest” was his daughter. I made this assumption based on his very awkward phrasing in praise of his eldest child’s book, and the fact that while his “eldest” was drawing on “the author’s” combat experience as a Marine in Iraq, the main character of the book is a female (space) Marine:
I hope you will indulge a “proud dad” moment for me in providing the link to my eldest’s first novel on Amazon, Winter Three, a military sci-fi tale of far future Marines landing on their homeworld to wrest it back from the bad guys. It went live on Kindle today. It does rely quite a bit on the author’s experience as a US Marine in the Iraq War (Fallujah and environs, 2005-2006) and pays homage to Heinlein. It’s only $1.99, so give a vet a break and buy it!
The bolded references, especially the second one, are very awkward. Pastor Sensing uses similarly awkward language in the disclosure he includes at the bottom of his Amazon review of the book:
Disclosure: Saintsing is a variant of my own last name; the author and I are related. But this is my honest, kid-you-not opinion of the book.
Who writes like that? Moreover, his consistency in this regard is striking. From his 2007 Bio page*, he has a son, a daughter, and an eldest:
I married the former Catherine Stephens of Durham, N. C., in 1980. We have three children, the eldest is a former U.S. Marine and Iraq veteran, the second is a physician in the US Air Force’s Medical Corps. His wife is a civilian doctor. Our third child, a daughter, is a chemical engineer.
In a recent post on his blog titled Four Veterans, Sensing remains cagey when describing the picture of his eldest child:
This is our eldest, Lance Cpl. S. M. Sensing, USMC, who deployed to Iraq on the date shown in the photo, shown at Camp Lejeune, NC, with Cathy.
This is not the case when Sensing describes his middle child in the same post:
Dr. (Capt.) Thomas Sensing is in surgical residency at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, in the US Air Force Medical Corps. As a retired officer, I administered his oath of commissioning upon his graduation from medical school in 2016, one of the most memorable and fulfilling things in my life.
Based on the picture of Lance Cpl. S. M. Sensing in the Four Veterans post, he does appear to be a man. But Sensing’s blog post A rollicking good sci-fi read about his eldest’s book is just as cagey about the child’s sex as all of the other examples I had previously found:
If a combat-vet US Marine were to write a short novel about far-future Marines mounting an assault to recapture their home world from the bad guys, and wanted to give homage to Robert Heinlein at the same time, what would it be like?
It would be like Winter Three, now on Kindle, a novella by my eldest, former US Marine Lance Corporal S.M. Saintsing (pen name for the book).
The cover picture shows a woman (space) Marine dressed in full battle regalia.
However, the link at the bottom of the quote points to a republication of a post Pastor Sensing wrote back in 2005. Back then Sensing did what normal fathers do when writing about their sons (emphasis mine):
Yesterday my eldest son, Lance Cpl. [S.] Sensing, deployed with his unit to Iraq. His mother, brother, sister and I traveled to Camp Lejeune, NC, to see him off. Cathy’s dad, from Durham, went with us also.
He was released Monday at 10 a.m. until noon Tuesday, so we had a very good visit with him. Then he and his unit drew weapons and gathered their sea bags at the barracks to await transportation. The time of departure slipped a couple of times, but not by much. They shipped out to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC, on commercial buses about 30 minutes later than the originally scheduled time.
At MCAS CP they flew by chartered commercial air to Kuwait; I don’t know the route. Just as I was typing the last paragraph, [S.] called from Kuwait to report he arrived fine and there were no problems. He couldn’t talk but a moment, so that’s all the news we got, but it was wonderful to hear his voice and know all was well. He did say he doesn’t know just when they’ll move into Iraq. He does know where they will go, but I’m not going to include that here.
It could be that Pastor Sensing is cagey about his son’s sex because it is awkward that his son writes from the perspective of a woman. This is a very mild form of gender bending in our SJW culture, but even in current year it is at least a little awkward.
All of this merely reinforces my point in my previous post. Pastor Sensing smugly claimed that he (ze?) and others like him (hir?) were holding the line on traditional sex roles, and that if I or my readers thought that Christian culture was caving in this regard, well we must not get out very much…
Related: If you can’t feel the current, you have already been swept away.
*Anchorman pointed out that the repost of the same bio page on his new blog says he has two sons.
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