The recent discussion of Emotional Pornography along with Welmer’s recent post on the Spearhead about the woman who went on her honeymoon without her husband reminded me that I had snagged this screenshot back in November:
As with nearly all emo porn, key to the plot is the premise that women don’t really ever have to choose, and that choices don’t have consequences. I was going to share the plot summary from Wiki, but I found the trailer on youtube instead. I know it is painful, but sometimes we have to confront evil to truly understand it. In addition to the standard chick crack warning, I’ll also advise my readers to have an airsick bag handy. If you think you can only handle one small segment of video, skip the trailer and look at the next one.
I know what you are thinking, they forgot to remind women to be true to themselves! What if she forgets and considers the needs of others or feels compelled to keep promises she makes? It could destroy her! Not to worry, I found the ending on youtube when looking for the trailer. Start at 5:00 in to see her vow to be self centered and shallow. Then skip to 6:00 to see her bemoan the fact that she gave up the chance to have a real wedding in order to be true to herself, only to have the guy come crawling back on a horse drawn carriage. Then she meets a secret-mulit-millionare hunky handyman, who– wait, that is another story.
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