Lifetime movie of the week: Waitress

I am sometimes curious what flavor of social and familial poison the Lifetime channel is serving up, so I’ll check out the description on our cable’s guide section.  What is fascinating is they don’t even feel the need to sugar coat what they are selling, because they know no one will call them on it.  I know I can’t change the world, but a little sunlight would seem like a good thing.

I’m not able to confirm either of my theories of what they used for a working title for this movie, but I’m guessing:

  • My mother was a whore (has a nice ring, don’t you think?)
  • I was a pregnant slut

Lifetime movie of the week: WaitressFeel free to suggest your own working titles.  Anyway, as you can see from the description this is a touching movie about a pregnant married woman who wasn’t haaaaaapy.  Oh no!


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