Light years closer to God.

One of the Dallas/Fort Worth megachurches has a web page called The Man Site. They offer what they call mansources:

Be a Better Man

Looking for some resources to help you “step up” and build a better home? We’ve got you covered!

They make a classic feint to biblical headship while quickly reminding readers that “all are equal”:

Lake Pointe Men’s ministry will encourage men to be servant leaders in their homes – recognizing that, in Christ, all are equal, and all should be loved. We have events like Man Church that will teach men how to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. View some of our “ManSources” to supply you with resources about real issues. Have questions or real manly needs? Contact us…we can help.

One of their featured mansource speakers is Sam Ingrassia.  I haven’t heard the content, but from the description Mr. Ingrassia talks about his book Just Say the Word, a book to help husbands lead their wives in prayer.  I was curious how Mr. Ingrassia handled the topic so I took a quick look at the introduction to the book in  There isn’t much available there, but the introduction bemoans the fact that modern Christian men “are failing to provide spiritual leadership to their wives”.  While this is undoubtedly true, there is no mention of the fact that modern Christian women are as feminist as any other group of women.  Modern Christian men don’t lead their wives because Christian leaders are terrified of mentioning the parts of the Bible which offend feminists, which is pretty much all of the NT regarding women and marriage.  Men are failing, but their primary failure is to confront the mass feminist rebellion, a failure which at least from what I can see Mr. Ingrassia himself is guilty of.  To be fair to Mr. Ingrassia, I can’t imagine him being invited to come speak to Man Church if he stressed the biblical framing of marriage in violation of the Book of Oprah.

This failure is front and center in the very first endorsement in the book:

Sam Ingrassia is on to something.  For years I struggled when it came to praying with my wife.  Why?  Because she is light years ahead of me when it comes to getting in touch with God.  And I’m a pastor!  It seems that we men need help, and we need a plan…

See Also: Cutting leaders off at the knees.


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