I have been very busy and haven’t done a new post for several days now. I have a few post ideas I’ll write up and publish as soon as I have the time. In the meantime I thought I would share some linkage.
David Martin wrote an interesting piece on the Spearhead a while back titled Violence and “Real Men”.
Also on the Spearhead, W.F. Price pulled out some of the best comments describing the problem with Social Conservative Bill Bennett’s Man Up piece. See also Bill’s post on Mexico City considering offering a two year renewable marriage.
Badger probes the question of marital happiness with two different posts, An Elder’s Wisdom on Mediocrity and Marriage, and “How Do You Like Being Married?”.
Captain Capitalism has an illustrated treatise on the war of the sexes titled You Started It, But We’ll Finish It.
As always, feel free to suggest any others in the comments which you think I and/or my readers would enjoy.
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