Linkage: You know you want it.

I’ll share this first bit of linkage on the condition that you not tell anyone else about it.  I don’t want everyone knowing about Rebellion University, but I trust you so I’ll share the secret.  Professor Hale has an engaging writing style and an unusual combination of no nonsense seriousness and irreverence.  For example, in his post Arts and Crafts: Fixing the Oil leak he describes in detail the work he will do when repairing the transfer case on his 4Runner.  Included are the risks he will face when doing the job:

1. Dropping the TC may result in it falling on my head and killing me. More likely, it will just leave me in a vegetative state (as in coma, not Florida) trapped within my body, staring out at the world while an underpaid Medicare nurse blows smoke rings in my face for the next two or three decades until a government bureaucrat decides that my quality of life is insufficient to warrant my further care. Or I will die from infected rat bites. I suppose I could reduce this risk by wearing a safety helmet, but then I would look like a dork. I would rather take the risk. I will be wearing gloves and eye protection.

He follows up on this project here and here.  You may also like his post Stupid News.  The other thing I like about the professor is I never know what I’m going to get when I click on his blog.  The topics range far and wide, but I always know it will be some combination of entertaining, funny, and thought provoking.  I don’t always agree with him, but he often makes me reconsider what I thought I knew.

This next bit of linkage is one which I’m guessing Professor Hale would also like.  If you aren’t interested in guns, skip this one.  It is the age old debate between the fans of the M-16 and the AK-47, but done in the form of Dr Seuss on an internet forum and shared on the blog Huey’s GunsightClick for the whole thing, but here is an excerpt:

Would you use it in a pinch?
Will you not budge a single inch?
Will you set aside this dross,
and accept Eugene as boss?
I’m sure if you weren’t quite so crass,
you’d love to cook with DI gas.

And the reply:

I would not use it as a bat
I would not use it to shoot rats
I do not like your M16,
That will not shoot if not kept clean,
Plastic and alloy’s not as good
As rifle made of steel and wood.

I’d like to say that I knew Badger before he was cool, but that would be a lie.  Badger has always been cool.  Check out his post A Reply To Cadence on Sex, Commitment and Spinning Plates, including this insight:

As I see it, “spinning plates” is not about polyamory or cheating, it’s really about not committing until you’ve actually committed. This is a really key lesson for beta men to internalize. Sometimes it’s an active process of not allowing yourself to fall too hard. I can recall times in my life when I was pursuing someone as if they were my one and only, a do-or-die option, while they were fielding the advances of other men. And then I’d get butthurt about it, angry that I’d been more willing to forsake other options than they had been. But as I got older I realized how unfair that was on my part. I had not earned their commitment and we hadn’t discussed it; they had no obligation to me that restricted them from other people.

This is something that causes many beta men to get eaten alive in the SMP.  These men follow the advice that they should play by the woman’s rules, even with women who are so “openly flirty” with every man they meet that it is impossible to tell if she is truly interested.  When men are taught to play the strength of their own hand with flaky women, other women are often outraged.

Also don’t miss Badger’s Bizarre Encounter With A Married Over-Sharer.

Rapid fire linkage:


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