Man up and share your feelings.

I mentioned UNCOMMEN in Hair Shirts and Chest Thumping last week.  One of their recent blog posts is Her Needs Above Yours, which claims that God orders husbands to follow pop psychology and become “emotionally available” to their wives:

God does not make this command to men lightly. If a husband wants God to hear his prayers, which he is going to need to be doing a lot to learn to be emotionally available to her, then he will seek to open his heart to her in an open and honest way.

Despite the allusion to 1 Pet 3:7, this supposed biblical wisdom in fact comes from the Book of Oprah, an entirely new book created in the 1970s by sensitive new age guys and the women who dominate them.

Note that the fundamental problem would exist even if the blogger weren’t putting bad pop psychology into God’s mouth.  This would be no less of a misrepresentation of Scripture if he instead claimed that God commands husbands to run Game.



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