MEETUP: Free Speech Happy Hour In Cleveland On Thursday

MEETUP: Free Speech Happy Hour In Cleveland On Thursday

I’m happy to announce that I’ve teamed up with Mike Cernovich to co-host a happy hour in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention. This is the first public meetup I’ve been involved in since the aborted attempt in February because of worldwide outrage.

If you would like to attend, show up at the initial meeting point between 6:00-6:15pm as detailed in the above graphic then use the password “pet shop” in a sentence to identify other attendees and get the final location details. If you have green hair or look like you have AIDS, you will not be given the location.

MEETUP: Free Speech Happy Hour In Cleveland On Thursday

Meetup location is at the bus stop on Ontario St & Prospect Av

Special guest will be independent reporter Charles J. Johnson, who today was bruised by Michelle I-almost-fell-down Field’s wealthy parachute fiance, Jamie Weinstein.

The public nature of the meetup means that protesters may show up at the meeting point. That’s within their right, but their impotent attacks, as you saw happen on Tuesday, will not prevent us from exercising our free speech rights. Follow me on Twitter and on Periscope for updates throughout Thursday.

Don’t Miss: SJWs Retreat After Hairy Lesbian Feminist In Cleveland Threatens To Punch Roosh In The Face


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