Men make ultimate sacrifice; women and children hardest hit.

Sarah Boesveld of the Canadian National Post wrote an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of men standing aside and drowning so that women on the Titanic could enjoy additional leg room on the life boats.  The Post titles her thoughtful piece:

Titanic Anniversary: Is a man brave or condescending if he lets women and children go first?

No word on a rumored follow up piece commemorating the Spartan 300 at Thermopylae tentatively titled:

How hard would it have been for them to put the toilet seats down before they went into battle?

I don’t have time to write a detailed take-down of this latest piece of gruesome hand wringing that more men didn’t perish in the Costa Concordia.  However, I didn’t see anything new so a link to my previous posts on the subject should hopefully suffice.


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