Men Should Start Recording Sex With A Hidden Camera

Men Should Start Recording Sex With A Hidden Camera

False rape accusations have reached such a fever pitch, as recently signified by a mattress-carrying attention whore and liar being rewarded for her phony story with an invite to the State Of The Union address, that it’s time men take extra-legal measures to protect themselves from Western women.

Not only is a woman’s word being taken above that of a man’s, often with full media encouragement and provocation, but 1 in 4 women are now certifiably mentally ill, at nearly double the rates of men. We’ve just started a storm of male persecution that may take years to resolve, and instead of waiting for everything to become rosy again, you must take the proper precautions today to not be victim of a bogus accusation that could ruin your life.

Many of you already have the awareness to save all text communications from women. In the past, this was especially important for black men having sex with white women, since blacks were seen as “savages” who violated white purity, but today’s rape hysteria has a fixation on white men like we have seen recently in the Duke Lacrosse, UVA, and mattress girl rape hoaxes. White men are now a “privileged” class who must be punished for historical wrongs by accusing them of fake crimes, but even men of other races are seen as privileged as well, especially when faced with an accusation by a white woman. We’re now all vulnerable to false accusations by predominately white women who are mentally ill and brainwashed to think that consensual sexual encounters are rape.

I recommend that from this point on you strongly consider recording casual sexual encounters with a hidden camera. If a he-said-she-said dispute concerning rape occurs, your word will carry less weight than that of a hysterical woman, even if there is not one sign of violence against her. Your situation will become dire if the media gets involved and destroys your character without even asking for your side of the story. Therefore to immediately destroy any accusation, you should provide a video recording that disproves it. Video is far more reliable in disproving rape than friendly text messages or having witnesses confirm the girl was flirting with you in the bar before the sexual encounter.

In many states, recording hidden video with sound is illegal, but recording video alone is not. Legal experts stop one step short of encouraging men to record their sex acts:

Two college students in New Mexico had a gang rape charge against them dropped earlier this year after they turned over video of the reported victim giving lap dances in her underwear and grabbing a man’s crotch. Experts predict an uptick in video as defense in court as an unexpected consequence of the Obama administration’s toughening of sexual violence policies.

John Banzhaf, a law professor at George Washington University, researched dozens of cases of rape defendants successfully suing to repair their reputations, with evidence increasingly consisting of video introduced to show that the woman actively cooperated in the sexual encounters. “Changes in technology make video recording more effective and readily available,” Banzhaf explains. “It’s cheap, easy to hide, and the cameras shoot well in low light.”

There was also a case in San Francisco where a man was falsely accused of three rapes. Because he secretly recorded the sex acts, all charges were dropped. Even if you break the law with your recording, that punishment is lower than a rape charge (research your state’s law for clarification on the matter). The best advice I can give is not to show any hidden recordings to your friends and only use it when you’re facing a genuine accusation.

Hidden cameras are getting cheaper and many models even have night vision. Here’s one that costs under $100 on Amazon:


Men Should Start Recording Sex With A Hidden Camera

Alarm clock or hidden camera?

If your budget is higher, you can visit a site like and try for a camera that is wireless and can be switched on through your smartphone. The technology is here to make recording your sex acts cheap and simple enough that it won’t disturb the progression of your sexual encounters.

When you are recording a girl during sex, it would be wise to have her riding you on top for a while with your hands laying to your sides to clearly show that she is engaged in the sex act and loving your cock, regardless of how many Jager bombs she later claims impaired her mind. Once a DA prosecutor sees that footage, you’re as good as free and can then pursue a civil case against her if she has rich parents.

The men who are in the most amount of danger from a false accusation are those in college, because girls there are being fed a daily diet of rape hysteria. I recommend college-aged males to put as much importance in buying a hidden camera as textbooks, especially if they’re sleeping with girls after alcohol consumption.

The threat is less for men out of college, but $100 is a trivial cost for complete peace of mind when a girl starts acting weird on you after sex or when you aren’t quite sure if she’s a feminist or mentally ill (the two seem to go hand in hand). The odds of a false rape accusation are still minuscule, but it happens enough that you should take the inexpensive steps to prevent it, just like how you are careful not to walk down a dangerous alley at night. A hidden camera is insurance that allows you to pursue sex without having the bad luck of getting caught up in a girl’s twisted fantasy, like has happened to a Return Of Kings writer.

Even though I live in Eastern Europe, where false rape accusations don’t exist, I’m ready to implement the camera precaution if conditions change. If rape hysteria doesn’t taper down in the USA soon, I’m afraid it will begin spreading outside of the Anglo world. Not only will we be required to have bedroom hidden cameras, but even dashcam-style cameras we wear when speaking with women in public locations to prevent accusations of sexual harassment. Things are about to get weird, but don’t count on anyone else to help defend you from the sexual dystopia we’re now facing. It’s entirely up to you to protect yourself.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read Next: All Public Rape Accusations Are False


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