Mentu is brutally funny!

Crass site/post warning, but if that doesn’t deter you check out 5 Easy Steps to Get Him to Propose:

1. Do your market research. Determine what the men you find attractive want in a wife, then give it to them. If you’re not willing to do this, then on behalf of men everywhere, I invite you to shut up and stop bitching about not being married. Shaming your customers into buying your product only works on women and beta males (women). And no, banging a different man every three months on your way to the serial monogamy hall of fame is not market research.

2. Advertise something he does not already have and is likely to value. You’re strong, independent, successful, challenging, aggressive and assertive? Well la-dee-da; he is too. In fact, if you’re considering him as a marriage prospect, he probably has all of that in spades. Try offering him something he doesn’t have and is likely to value. I bet he’s not feminine, soft, sweet, caring, kind, gentle or maternal, and I’ll bet he values those traits and doesn’t see them as a weakness like you do for some reason. A man interested in marriage is not looking for an executive, author, clinician, comedian, artist, pilot, politician, researcher, HR representative, best friend, buddy or pal – he’s looking for a wife. You may be a super-duper awesome business lady, but are you qualified to the fill the wifely position for which you’re applying? Don’t answer that, because you don’t get to make that decision – the hiring manager does.

I’ll differ with him on the best friend part and a few other areas where he might be slightly over the top in making his hilarious overall point.  This is just a teaser, check out the whole post if it is up your alley.

Note:  I plan on writing my own (serious) post on the topic of women finding a husband as soon as time permits.


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