Merry Christmas

I do not think I can top Vox’s message so I will copy it here:

A Merry Christmas Eve to you all. The night is dark and we find ourselves in a time of war. And yet, we remain joyful and thankful.

I love Christmas Eve, the midnight masses, the candlelight services, the cheerful Christmas greetings, and the certain knowledge that all around the world, the vast network of believers reaches into every darkness and shadow.

But whether the season’s greeting is said openly with a smile or whispered surreptitiously under threat of death and torture, the Christmas message of hope in a fallen world remains the same.

With this I will only add that I will be praying for Pastor Abedini and his family tonight and tomorrow, as well as the rest of the persecuted church.  I also pray for God to bless each and every one of you who have taken the time to read this humble blog.

Merry Christmas!


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