Note: I don’t have any malice for women who have children later in life, and I don’t want to cause women who are over 35 and pregnant any concerns. As I have written before my wife was 35 when she gave birth to our son, and we didn’t have any age related complications. I presume women in this situation have already discussed it with their doctor and don’t need any further information from me or anyone else in the manosphere. Nothing I write in this blog should be considered medical advice. Women of any age who have questions on the topic should consult their doctor. Please skip this post if you are a woman over 35 and pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
Commenter pirran linked to an article by Claudia Spahr on Yahoo Shine: Want to have a baby? Here are 5 reasons you should consider waiting. Most of it is the usual gems like this excerpt from reason #1:
After spending decades at fancy bars in treacherous heels downing chocolate martinis and other ludicrously-priced cocktails most women feel prepared to shift their focus from pumps to Pampers.
However reason number two is a classic example of Dalrocks Law:
2) The kids are healthier and smarter
I’m not making this up. Oh no! Studies show that older mothers have healthier babies than younger mothers. Women over 35 are shown to care more about nutrition, exercise and rest during pregnancy so this could be a good reason for the bouncy babes. Research also shows that older parents have more available time to spend with junior and the kids perform better at school.
She doesn’t name or link to these studies in the article (maybe in her book), but the basic premise is pure nonsense. My guess is that someone noticed that higher IQ women tended to marry and have children a bit later (on average), and that their children tended to be healthier and smarter. This doesn’t mean that any given woman will have healthier kids if she waits until after age 35 as the article suggests. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. There is a reason pregnancies where the mother is 35 or older are called geriatric pregnancies. As women get older the risks increase. There isn’t a magic year where it goes from being safe to unsafe to have a child; this is a case of gradually increasing risk. You can see this in chart at American Family Physician on the risk of down syndrome. For more information, check out the WebMD page Pregnancy After Age 35.
As I wrote above I don’t want to upset women who are in this situation, nor am I passing any judgment on their decisions. But it is outright cruel for feminists to lie to younger women in order to convince them to delay becoming a mother. The title of the article comes right out and tries to talk women who want to become mothers now into waiting until they are older. This isn’t an effort to give them all of the facts and let them make an informed choice. They are trying to frighten women into following a more feminist approved life path. Just like the misleading use of divorce statistics by the authors of Last One Down the Aisle Wins, they are leaving women with a very inaccurate understanding of the risks involved. Who needs facts when you have ideology? Moreover, who still believes that feminists have women’s best interest at heart?
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