Mistaking fecklessness for wisdom

Commenter Arual recently pointed out this bit of airy feminine wisdom:   Some People Can Stay In Your Heart But Not In Your Life

As she spoke, the sadness was audible in her voice.  From the outside looking in, someone may wonder why she is asking for a separation.  He didn’t cheat on her.  He’s not abusive to her.  He’s a decent guy.  He’s been an okay partner to her – they have good memories and good times together.

However, she knows that they were brought together for a time… and that time has come to an end.  It’s hard for her to explain why it needs to be over.  She just knows it does.

Behold the great mystery of feminine relationship wisdom.  How does a woman know when the time is right to detonate her family and collect the resulting cash and prizes?

She just knows.

See Also:


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