From the Daily Mail: Brave female Papa Johns manager tackles pair of Ferguson looters with her bare hands as they kick in windows… and quickly sends them packing
Yet neither the text nor the video support such a claim. Instead of a feminist hero tackling thugs with nothing but the power of moxie, what the video shows is a modern day Blanche DuBois relying on the kindness of looters.
The comments are nearly as funny as the headline. Some celebrate her girlpower, while another bemoans the lack of a white knight riding to her rescue.
This is what it takes, more good people standing up to these backward thugs and saying enough. She has more b a l l s than most men I know.
As is Lea:
What a great woman! She has shown real courage! This is how people should be.
But summers53 was alarmed that the manager was permitted to put herself in danger.
A woman is being pushed around and threatened and a guy is filming it. What is wrong with people today?!
Edit: I found the same video on youtube:
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