More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

By now, we all know the whole “one in four women will get raped” chestnut is a bunch of bullshit. That misconception stems from a 1985 Ms. Magazine survey conducted by Kent State professor Mary Kossa hardline feminist who once declared “rape represents an extreme behavior but one that is on a continuum with normal male behavior within the culture”—who intentionally inflated her percentages by including vaguely defined attempted rapes and sexual molestations in the final tally.

As some intrepid reporters at the Toledo Blade soon uncovered, the total number of survey respondents who were actually raped was just one quarter the number Koss reported, with roughly 73 percent of Koss’ counted rape victims explicitly telling her they didn’t actually consider themselves rape victims.

Alas, the dreaded “one in four” statistic—despite being completely fabricated—continues to linger on in the national consciousness. This, despite CDC data suggesting the number is much closer to 17 percent for heterosexual women nationwide and the fact the national rape rate in the U.S. has declined an astonishing 50 percent over the last 25 years.

But the way hardcore feminists and their hyper-progressive white knights talk about it, you’d think every woman in America was getting gang raped every time they go to the mailbox. Instead of the much despised “rape culture,” what America has really become is a “rape hysteria culture,” in which the pathological fear of nonconsensual sex has been weaponized for political leverage.

More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

Yeah – I’d surmise “rape” is a much bigger problem in U.S. prisons than it is U.S. colleges.

How 2.2 Million Men Alone Experience More Sexual Abuse Than All 157 Million Women In The U.S. Combined

For all of the hubbub we hear about women being preyed upon by sexual deviants, how odd is that one seemingly significant statistical reality has been all but discarded by our trustworthy tastemakers in the media, entertainment and academia complexes. That is the incontestable fact that more men and boys in the United States are raped every year than women.

Oh, it’s true, folks. According to RAINN’s data—which, of course, should be taken with a tremendous grain of salt, if not an entire silo—approximately 192,000 women in the U.S. experience rape and/or sexual abuse every year. Good golly, that’s a lot of unwanted, nonconsensual and often coerced sexual violence, ain’t it?

Well, according to U.S. Department of Justice figures from 2008, at least 216,000 prisoners in the U.S. are raped and sexually abused behind bars on an annual basis. And since females only make up a scant 6.8 percent of the national incarcerated population, it’s probably safe to assume that at least 200,000 of those rapes and sexual assault scenarios involve male victims.

Talk about an inconvenient truth! Among a mere 2.2 million men in America’s fine and outstanding correctional facilities, there’s already more rape and sexual terror going on than there is for the 157 million non-incarcerated women walking about freely in these United States.

Huh. I wonder why that little mathematical reality remains so hush hush in this, the gilded age of the Pussy Hat Wearer?

More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

Fun fact: if your son gets raped at school, there’s a nearly 90 percent change his abuser looks like *her*.

What About The Female Sexual Abusers? (And Don’t Ask Or Tell About Same Sex Rape In The Military)

Oh, but we’re not done yet. Let’s turn our attention to the juvenile justice system, where a 2013 U.S. Department of Justice report found that about one out of ten of the nation’s 70,000 or so incarcerated or detained youths have been sexually assaulted and raped while in confinement.

About 2,000 children were raped or sexually tortured more than 11 times in the study year. Meanwhile, an additional 1,000 children that year were raped by detention facility staff, with female employees representing an astounding 89 percent of the rapists and sexual abusers.

Then there’s the nation’s public education system. A 2004 report by Hofstra University found that the amount of rape and sexual abuse committed by school system employees was a rather tame 100 times greater than the amount of rape and sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests, but for some bizarre reason, that alarming finding never got circulated by the barons of big media.

According to that report, an estimated 44 percent of those sexually abused by school employees in the U.S. each year are male, with 84.8 percent of the attacks and assaults perpetrated by females.

And we can’t forget about the military, can we? Each and every year, an estimated 14,000 men in uniform are believed to be sodomized by other males, and that’s just the tip of the rape-berg: some calculations tab the estimates for the number of male-on-male military rapes that go unreported at an amazing 84 percent.

More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

Hollywood: proudly abusing and sexually torturing minors and sweeping it under the rug for 100 years running!

Where’s #HeToo?

How odd it is that the #MeToo movement has all but ignored the objective reality that, by all reliable statistical measurements, more men in the United States are the victims of sexual abuse than women? If Hollywood’s upper brass were as horrified by the indignity of sexual maltreatment as they’d like the masses to believe on Twitter and at awards shows, surely they’d be absolutely incensed by the staggering lack of publicity afforded to the male victims of sexual crimes, right?

Yeah right. Hollywood’s blase attitude towards its own pandemic of child sexual abuse encapsulates the entrenched misandry of the media-entertainment industrial complex as a whole.

Where is the furor over Disney hiring Victor Salva—a man who was convicted of forcing a child to blow him on cameraas soon as he was released from prison?

Where is the furor over Martin Weiss raping a preteen boy in excess of 30 times over just a three-year span?

Where is the furor over Jason James Murphy—convicted of molesting an 8-year-old boy in the mid-1990sbeing rehired to work on movies like Super 8 and School of Rock?

Where is the furor over Bob Villard working as a child talent agent scout for 20 years despite being indicted on federal C.P. charges and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy?

Why are the unfounded accusations of women like Ke$ha—who apparently lied about being raped to get out of a record contract—that were immediately embraced as truthful and enough of a justification for a widespread purge of unconvicted males without even the facade of due process, but the sexual abuse accusations of Todd Bridges, Corey Feldman, and Corey Haim (who have far more evidence to back up their maltreatment claims) are instantly written off as grandiloquent fabrications?

The answer, sadly, is self-evident: because the media powers-that-be only care about sexual victimization when the victims don’t have Y chromosomes, even if the hard math demonstrates men are much likelier to be sexually assaulted and abused than their female counterparts.

The media gives less than a damn about the pain and humiliation of male sexual abuse victims. In fact, they don’t even bother giving them a hashtag.

Read More: Women Will Never Be Taken Seriously Until They Fight To Be Included In The Draft 


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