Ying Ma bemoans the loss of chivalry in Men Who Don’t Pay (H/T Instapundit):
We live in a society where lots of men do not pay. Not only do they fail to pay for the women with whom they go on a date, they increasingly do not even pay for themselves.
The men afflicted with this syndrome tend to be young, and are usually under the age of forty. Those who suffer most severely tend to be products of the nation’s top universities or respectable urban workplaces—where political correctness and leftwing ideology regularly trample over concepts such as chivalry and honor. At these institutions, the worst thing that could happen is to be perceived as racist, sexist or homophobic. Being a weasel that does not pay is not considered a source of embarrassment.
Ma’s critique of modern men is the conservative critique, reinforced by the page title:
Leftist Ideology Makes Men Cheap and Go Dutch
Ma no doubt wants to know why this is happening. The reason of course is simple, as I explained in Why men are withdrawing from courtship. Women are greatly extending the period they expect to be courted, very often expecting to be courted for decades. As women have started dating for sex instead of marriage, men have adjusted their courtship strategies in response. At some level Ma understands this, because her complaint is that men want to have sex with women without buying dinner first:
…on his date, he shelled out only $2.50 for an ice cream cone for the lady and then quickly got to the point: to secure what young men usually want from women.
Pretending that buying a woman dinner to have sex with her is “traditional” or “manly” is absurd, but Ma doesn’t seem to notice.
All of this left me curious whether Ma understood the current sexual marketplace. Perhaps she married young under different cultural customs. She has a personal blog, and I thought the about page would let me know how long she has been married. However there is no reference to a husband in her about page. This doesn’t mean she isn’t married, but if she is it isn’t something she notes about herself on her own blog. In fact, she goes to surprising lengths to avoid giving away her marital status. Her entire about page is written in the third person, and she repeatedly refers to herself using the feminist title “Ms.”
Ms. Ma is a policy advisor at the Heartland Institute, a free-market think tank, and a columnist for The Wall Street Journal‘s China blog.
Ms. Ma has previously served as a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University, a premier conservative think tank; practiced law at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, a leading global law firm headquartered in New York; managed corporate communications at Sina.com, the first Mainland China-based Internet company to list on the Nasdaq Stock Market; and served on the first professional staff of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressional commission established to examine the security implications of America’s economic relationship with China
Weak men are screwing Ms. Ma’s feminism up. Won’t someone come to her aid?
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