My One Year Of Not Masturbating

My One Year Of Not Masturbating

As I stated in my previous article, the last time I masturbated was February 24, 2013.

On Monday I hit a full year of abstaining from what is essentially a daily ritual for most men.

I won’t rehash my thoughts from my first article. I can safely say that most of the same effects are still there. But after a year I think it is doing me more harm than well.

I Care Too Much About Fucking

I am insanely horny all the time—I’m talking 24/7. I can’t get enough sex. To give you an example, this past weekend I had sex with a girl in my rotation seven times in about 16 hours. I say this not to brag but to show my insanity. This is not a new girl either so no novelty; I’ve been seeing her regularly for two months.

That’s great some of you may say. But not when it overpowers your desire to meet higher quality girls. After this girl left, I went to a charity event filled with beautiful girls. After a few hours of an open bar and knowing the chances of taking one of these girls home was slim that night, I succumbed to my horniness again and went to another rotation girl’s apartment and had sex with her three times that night. I should have stayed and tried harder for these beauties. But I didn’t.

Even then I couldn’t stop. I had another girl come over for lunch the next day and had sex with her, albeit only once. At that point after drinking for so many straight days and nights my tiredness took over my horniness and it ended.

I’ve always been a bit “committed” to game but this elevated my insanity. I’d go on dates when tired, or when I’m not interested in the girl because I knew there would be good chance for sex, especially when my game matured. I used to laugh at this diagnosis, but I became addicted to sex. You can see the problems associated with this. I’d rather go on a date with a 6 or 7 than stay at home and work on money, or my Russian, or go to the gym.

Even though I was consciously aware I was making the wrong decision—that I should stay in—my desire for sex trumped all.

Benefits For Some

The all out approach of not masturbating may work for a few situations I can think of. First, if you have any approach anxiety just stop masturbating. When your only outlet is sex you’d be amazed how fast you get out there and start hitting on girls.

Second is if you are trying to just bang as many chicks as possible over everything else. Then the built up aggression from not jerking off will fuel your fire and desire to do so, and it will make you more aggressive, more determined and in the end more successful for this particular goal. You just have to be willing to forego the harem to keep you motivated for fresh.

The other is if you want to get into an LTR. I’ve had a rather easy time maintaining girls after sex because of these side effects. I’m always ready to fuck and do it quite aggressively, which girls obviously like. I have a very short refractory period, which can lead to marathon sessions like described above. So for girls that like sex, which should be the only type you’d consider anyway for an LTR, this would help. In this situation, you would have to be willing to forego seeking other girls and instead channel your testosterone towards her.

So Now What

I do not regret this year one bit and I think everyone should try it for an extended period of time. My fire has led me to an excessive amount of dates, essentially concentrating years of experience interacting with girls into one year. I tend to attract girls that are more into sex because of how forward and aggressive I am, which leads to fun times.

But I think I have to end this, as it is gotten to the point where it is providing some adverse effects. I don’t want to be thinking of sex 24/7. I’ll probably never go back to daily masturbation, but there has to be a happy medium. Roosh alluded to once a week, which may be a good compromise. I just need to experiment and find what’s right for me.

Read Next: The Benefits Of Not Masturbating


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